A Small Confession

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💕 Star Crossed Lovers 💕 PT 2

..... There was a dead silence
She shot out, "I LOVE YOU! I ALWAYS HAVE EVER SINCE YOU CAME HERE, EVER SINCE THE ENTERANCE EXAMS! I... wish I had the courage to tell you... I'm such a coward..."
"I know."
He muttered to himself quietly. She smiled and stopped him with a kiss. It was a quick kiss, but it must have been enough to shut him up. They both blushed. The blush was visible.  Mineta was in a corner as usual, he yelled out, "G-get a room, Midoriya... why." She felt a tug of her clothing, she felt her vampire cape off. Mineta wouldn't leave them alone, Izuku literally had to use her cape to swat him away. Uraraka burst out laughing. She was still blushing, at this point, she was just blushing due to embarrassment. She laughed... a tiny bit afterwards, she cried. Nobody knew why, but she just felt like it. He looked over with great concern, then strangely, he smiled. He walked over and picked her up and carried her back to the training grounds. He said during the walk, "What was that thing you said earlier?" He wiped her tears and put his forehead to hers. "I'm pretty sure it went like this... don't cry, it's Halloween... Be happy, even when the sadness in your heart shines through." She was flustered, her tears had finally gone away. She asked of him a favor, "H-hey... do you mind putting me down? Where's you put my cape? Did Mineta steal it and keep it in his treasures?" They both laughed, he replied, "probably, I will NOT put you down! You are within my grasp! The chains will never be broken!" She laughed and playfully pushed him. Let's just say... this ended with a fall. They had both closed their eyes when they fell. When they opened their eyes, she found herself collided on top of him. He had opened his eyes as well and looked at her... they both.... just freaked out we're both embarrassed. They were pretty sure everyone was looking. She got off of him and floated into the sky like a balloon. Uraraka remembered she was wearing a skirt, she went to check if she was wearing anything underneath... welp... let's just say she wasn't ok. Her face was entirely red, then she fainted, remembering what had happened a few seconds ago. He still just sat there... looking up at her, questioning what might have happened. He had noticed something off, then, it clicked. He used One For All, jumped, and grabbed her. Aizawa noticed them, he began walking towards them. All Might noticed and ran to stop Sensei. He thought about it more, he care up with a better Idea. He rushed to Izuku and her. He paused at the surprise of Izuku holding Uraraka in his arms. She had suddenly, woken up after a while. She let them talk, she heard him say, "Sometimes... I just want to strangle her to death with love, I wish she knew, I feel the same way..." she pretended to sleep talk and said, "I love you Izuku." And grabbed onto his tuxedo and got more comfortable. She real slept after that. All Might remembered what he wanted to do, he told him, "Get to the dorms, you can lie her down in her room. You can come back, or stay with her. Aizawa was going to come and see what the trouble was about, I'm stopping him." Izuku Thanked him and went to leave. Iida spotted them and ran towards them. He immediately yelled out, "I'm sorry for being such a jerk! I wish you could forgive me. I felt if you were to get together, you would completely forget about me!" Izuku looked at him and replied, "Iida... we will ALWAYS be your friend! No matter what! You don't have to worry about that at all." Iida gave them a hug. Izuku told Iida, "She thinks people are looking up her skirt..." "If anyone did that, I'm sorry, but I would kick them in the junk!" Izuku just stopped for a second with a guilty look on his face. It was sort of red as well. Iida paused... and kicked him in the junk. Izuku was in pain... but they could admit that he deserved it. He said goodbye to Iida, and ran off to the dorms. Where All Might instructed them to go. He had to be Honest with him, It was on him... literally. He just ran with embarrassment, He didn't know how far he had ran. She had woken up in second after he had ran pretty far from where he was supposed to. She tugged at his suit, altering him she was awake. He had immediately stopped running and looked at her. He looked at how far he had ran and sighed. He coughed, she had noticed blood coming out of his mouth. It must have been there for a while, she must not have noticed. She panicked and asked if he was ok. "I'm perfectly fine, are you?" He asked
"I'm fine."
"What made you ask?"
"...You have blood on your mouth."
"It's nothing..."
He ignored her and kept talking. She blurted out,
"D-do... you love me?"
He looked at her with a deep passion and replied,
"....Pfft, of course I do! I wish we had met sooner!"
He laughed, she had laughed with him. Deep inside her, she felt a bit upset that he was laughed. Inside, she wanted to slap him. Inside... she just wanted to kiss him. She had finished laughing and gave him a hug, this was sort of awkward for her because she was still being carried. She grabbed onto him and just went back to sleep. It was a long day for both of them. She had that one annoying dream where you fall to your death and immediately woke up. She scared Izuku with the jump of the nightmare. He almost fell over, she didn't want it to happen again. She used her Zero Gravity and prevented him from falling. They both sighed deeply. He continued walking towards the dorms. He began running, as if something was watching their every move. He slammed the door open, as if there was a monster with razor sharp teeth and long and terrifying claws behind them. He set her down in the couch. He ran into his dorm and grabbed a small blanket, he knew that if he had gone into her dorm... there would have been.... catastrophe. Nobody knew why he ran so fast, maybe a short panic. He ran back into his room, she heard a loud thud. She thought that maybe he had just fallen. A minute later... she had started to panic. She ran to his room to check on him, she was him on the floor, he was bleeding from the head. There was blood on his hands, there was blood dripping from his chin. He said....
"Do you mind calling All Might?"
"You need an ambulance! Deku Kun... you seem off."
"N-no I'm fine...
"Explain the blood then... Stop, you're scaring me!"
"Uraraka San, It's fake blood... It spilled..."
She ran up to him and and gave him a hug. His face reddened... Uraraka realized she was awfully close to him...
"I-I'm So Sorry Deku..."
she remembered something...
"Deku... you...!"
she slapped him at the thoughts in her mind. While she was thinking.... her mind had... remembered something. Her face had reddened as well, she ran to her dorm and got changed into something less... covering and revealing. Just normal pajamas. They had cute little stars on them. Meanwhile Izuku cleaned up the fake blood, It took a while, but it worked out. He just needed some sleep, he went to wish Uraraka a good night's sleep. He reached her dorm, he heard music coming from her dorm... he knocked on the door. A few seconds after that, he was in her dorm. She let him in her dorm. She asked...
"Wanna... dance?"
"I might just sit off to the si-"
She grabbed his wrist and put his hand oh her hip.
"Relax Deku Kun!"
his face went red.
"Don't bail on me!"
"It this even.... Am I even... allowed in here?"
"Psst, trust me. If you sit off to the side, they would kill us... just join me!"
She grabbed his order hand and held it out to the side of them. She took her other hand and put it on his shoulder. She let go of his hand to reach the radio and turn up the volume. They danced calmly. A while later, the song had changed to something that made her energetic. She let go of him and just started free-style dancing. He attempting he felt embarrassed to dance in front of her and just sort of sat there. She told him, "You should keep dancing man! Hey... you aren't afraid to dance in front of me?" He replied in a strange way, "Your dancing is beautiful! If I were to dance, I would be an embarrassment to the dancing universe!" She laughed and asked of him, "I challenge you to a dance off!" He was shocked. He waited for the perfect moment to throw her off.  He just jumped in the air, he actually had good rhythm. He did a few spins and landed in a fashionable pose. She was impressed with this, she attempted to beat that score. They danced forever, they both agreed it must have been a tie. The song ended.... a new one played... she heard the beat of the song and she blushed, It was visible, anyone could see it.
"U-Uraraka San? Are you ok?"
"P-please get out...  we need to go to bed...."
He left her be for a second. He heard the lyrics from outside the door...
She finally opened the door with her face just... nobody could explain her face. Her face was... more red than an apple.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm sorry Izuku... can you go to bed as well...?"
"Uraraka San..."
She slammed the door. She never answered him...
Izuku sat on the couch silently. Everyone came from the dance into the dorms all Kirishima spotted Izuku on the couch.
"Deku!! The man!... where WERE you?"
Mineta entered,
"He was with Uraraka.... Kirishima, he's a perv... why are you and Uraraka alone... what were you doing?"
Kaminari entered the dorms.
"Dude... they probably did something... stop stealing ass Deku..."
Iida entered
"Seriously, he steals ass the entire time."
Todoroki entered
"You're stealing what now?"
Bakugo entered
Tokoyami entered.
"What the...?"
Izuku just sat there in silence...
"Calm down"
"Oh my god, Momo's costume was hooot"
"I know, Right?!"
"Calm Down For The LAST TIME!"
the stress that everyone was giving him... just tugged at him. He finally yelled out
Everyone paused and looked at him.....
"Heh, says the guy who's yelling."
"Cut it out, Kacchan."
"Damn It Kacchan."
"You're gonna wake up Uraraka asshole."
"Tell that to him, four eyes."
Izuku got up and left the room. He knocked on Uraraka's dorm. She didn't respond. He just sighed and went to his dorm. He wrote a letter to her, went to her dorm, and slipped it underneath her door. Meanwhile. All Might and Aizawa. All Might tried to convince him that everything was ok.
"Aizawa, Everything's under control! Midnight viewing them with the security camera.!"
"You don't Understand All Might.... Midnight is more of a bystander type."
"Now you at least know what you did wrong."
He ran to the dorms. The arguing went on...
"What were you doing with Uraraka San?"
"Don't ask"
"Midoriya.... why are you like this..."
"Uhh Shoto is speaking, everyone shut up. Why is Deku considered an "Ass Stealer?" That's just messed up guys."
"Let's explain this to Todoroki, he stole Hatsume, Uraraka, that Toga girl, and that one chick in the bodysuit from The licensing exams ."
"Dang, exposed."
All Might entered....
"What the hell?"
Everyone kept calling Izuku an "Ass Stealer."
All Might ignored them and ran to Midnight. He found her cuddled up, In her pajamas, watching the camera's. She was in an office chair. She turned around the chair and said, "You need to see this video.... It's romance at the fullest.... the ending is depressing though..." he walked over and she played the video. He paid close attention to the video. A little bit later... the video ended. All Might just sat there, both proud and serious at the same time. He had remembered something from the video... he muttered to himself, "wait.... this is off..." he said to Midnight
"Go back to 2:34 of the video. I noticed something...
"Yeah... something did seem off, what did you discover?"
She went back in the video to 2:34.
He was curious at what he had spotted.
"Go back a few seconds...... wait stop the video. Did you pay attention to the lyrics?"
"Hm? I didn't notice anything odd..."
she replayed the video and payed attention to the lyrics for a split second. There was a dead silence...
Midnight was bored of the lyrics, her eyes wandered across the screen, hoping to find something to pay attention to. She had the Idea of looking at Izuku the entire video. She did... nothing off.  Instead she Looked at Uraraka the entire video. She noticed when he was was jumping, she had adjusted her shirt and bra. The design if the bra seemed off to her... lace? Black and purple lace... sort of a maroon. She knew that she wasn't rich... at
Last, She caught onto what she was wearing. It only showed for a split second but she got it.
"All Might! Wait.... let me pause it."
"What did you find?"
She paused the video on the split second she was adjusting everything.
"Anything seem off? Look at Uraraka, Don't pay attention to the fact that she's adjusting everything, just pay attention to the timing."
It came together for her...
Welp, that's awkward.
Uraraka was trying to sleep... but couldn't for some reason. He mind was going crazy. Her eyes wandered across the room, looking for something to pay attention to and to take her mind off of her thoughts. She noticed a letter by the door. She got out of her warm spot on the bed, to the floor, that had the temperature of snow, to her bare feet. She shivered and picked up the letter and ran to her bed, wanting to be warm once again. She carefully opened the letter, avoiding damaging the letter. She had opened the letter and noticed lavender flowers on the card with her name In cursive... ink pen? Probably... her heart raced at what it could have said. She slowly opened the card, anxious, nervous, heart pounding. She cried at the sight of eight, twenty five dollar bills. Her heart raced, she read the letter...
"Thank you so much for tonight... You were amazing. I'm sorry about everything I did wrong... even if I didn't, I'm so sorry. Also... I remember you saying your family was in need of money. I had some money to spare, I'm sorry that's all I could give you.     
                               Your love, Izuku

P.S. There's been something on my mind.... I know this is none of my business but... why where you wearing lace maroon underneath your pajamas? You don't have to answer if you don't want to."
She panicked and looked at the bra she was wearing... she muttered to herself. "Shit... he must have the wrong Idea. Oh no... why am I so stupid?.... damn! I just picked a random one. He must think I'm a slut.... oh...I'm gaining a habit of muttering... this is bad. I'm turning Into another Izuku."
She sighed and fell asleep both at the same time... how strange.
Next thing she knew. Her eyes opened slowly, there was drool on the bed. It was officially morning. She just wanted to go back to sleep. Her head felt unusually warm. She slowly fell back asleep in the comfort of her bed. She didn't question. She was allowed to rest, for it was the weekend...
Everyone woke up and just relaxed. Momo used Creation and made a simple board game. She pointed to Uraraka and told her, "Get me some food, I'll create another board game for the men, and maybe another one for us."
She agreed, she walked over to the closest store and grabbed a few snacks. She sighed and began the long walk back. Meanwhile Mina and all of the Class A girls snuck into Uraraka's room and checked for any more signs of love. Jiro noticed the two hundred dollars and the letter. She called out,
"Guys! I've got something!"
"What is it?"
"That's some cash..."
"Thicc cash."
"Uhh, guys, I found something."
   Everyone looked over and stared at the bottom of the letter. It stated, "why where you wearing lace maroon underneath your pajamas? You don't have to answer if you don't want to."
"Wow Izuku... I'm speechless."
"He's a perv."
"He be peekin."
"Good for him, He's catching all of the little things."
"Speaking of little things. I saw Uraraka in the air, Remember when Izuku grabbed her and pulled her down when she fainted? And when she accidentally landed on top of him? And her costume?"
"What about it?"
"oh god.., where Is this going?"
"She... wasn't wearing anything underneath... but she did have panties."
"Conspiracy theory."
"What if she did that on purpose?"
"Damn It Uraraka."
"The two love birds."
"....what color were they?"
"A set... I knew it. But why did she choose tonight to wear it?"
Uraraka entered the dorms and noticed everyone was gone. She called out, "W-where is everyone?"
Everyone whispered to each other,
Momo used creation and made a giant blanket. She covered herself up with it. Uraraka grew suspicious and curious of where everyone was. Mina hid in the closet. Hagakure just stripped and just stood there, this would work due to her being invisible. Jiro hid underneath her bed. Tsuyu blended in with the wall with her camouflage. Everyone was officially hidden. Uraraka walked In  Her room. Hagakure walked out of her room casually without any difficulty. She ran to her dorm and got clothing. She sat on the couch and yelled for Uraraka. Uraraka ran to the room she was in and asked.
"I was so worried about where everyone was! I'm glad you're here! Anyways... where is everyone?"
"Uraraka, do ya wanna go to my dorm and play with my stuffed animals?"
Uraraka sighed and replied,
"...well I have nothing better to do... why not."
Hagakure was keeping her busy, while everyone else was carefully exiting Uraraka's room. Jiro accidentally stepped and made the ground creek. Hagakure panicked and Uraraka walked out of her room to check if anyone was out there in the commons. She peeked out and saw everyone on the lime green couch. She was happy to see that Momo had eaten the snacks.
Momo had made the two board games, one for them and one for the boys. She was originally going to give the boys the board game with a signature that it was from her but Mina had an idea, It went like this,
"Hey, Momo!"
"I have the BEST idea ever!"
"What is it?"
"Instead of your name... put Uraraka's name. It will make it seem like she was the one to give it to them, also a loving gift for her Deku Kun!"
After that, the boys got the board game and poked at Izuku. The timing was hilarious.
"Deku is an ass stealer, admit it."
"Never! Midoriya is a good friend of mine! That would be rude of me! I would never forgive myself!"
"Damn It Iida."
"Midoriya just admit it!"
"Call me anything man, just not that. Trust me, the letter I gave her, she probably won't even care."
Next thing they knew, there was a board game with Uraraka's signature.
"Midoriya you lier."
"Star crossed lovers..."
Star Crossed Lovers!

Part 3 coming soon....

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