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Jaehyun's P.O.V

"I'm serious dude, it's a great gym" Lucas said over the phone, I had to balance it between my ear and shoulder as I grabbed my weights and put them away.
"I don't know Lucas, it cost a lot of money" I sighed and then held my phone properly.
"I promise it's worth it, have you seen how ripped I am" he laughed. I chuckled as I listen to him as I walked to my kitchen to make myself a protein shake.
"Okay, okay, I'll go tomorrow. Send me the address" I said.
"Neat! Okay, well I gotta go. Jungwoo's going to be home from work soon. See ya."
"See ya, tell Jungwoo I said hi" I then hung up and set my phone in my pocket and walked to my living room and turned on the TV. My phone buzzed and I saw Lucas texted me the address and mentioned a trainer I should go to. Kim Doyoung huh? I sent a thanks and watched a random show before I went to take a shower and went to bed.

I woke up the next day and and walked to the bathroom to fix my hair and brushed my teeth. I walked back into my room and changed into jeans and a shirt and put a jacket over it. I grabbed some exercise clothes and packed my gym bag and walked to my kitchen. I filled my water bottle and placed it in a lunch box with an icepack and placed it in my gym bag. I slipped on my shoes and packed my gym shoes. I grabbed my phone and found the gyms website and called the number, after the third ring they picked up and I heard a woman's voice.
"Hello how many I help you?" She asked kindly.
"I was wondering if I could make an appointment today with... uh Kim Dongyoung?" Hopefully I got the name right.
"You're lucky he's free today! Is 10:30 okay?" She asked. I checked the time on the clock and saw it was 10:00.
"Yeah that would be great" I said.
"Alright! Hope to see you today. Bye bye" she said.
"Bye" I hung up and sighed. I should get there early so I can change anyways. I grabbed my keys off the counter and slipped my phone in my jacket pocket and walked out of my apartment. I locked the door and walked down the stairs and walked out of the building and to the parking lot. I got in my car and started it and put the address in my GPS and pulled out of my space and left the lot.

I parked when I made it to the gym. It looked really nice, hopefully it won't cost a lot. I grabbed my bag and walked into the building and went to the front desk. "I'm here for my appointment with Dongyoung?" I said. The lady looked up and smiled.
"Alright, will you fill out your information here?" She passed over a sheet and clipboard with a pen. I put in my height and weight and my age and filled the rest in and handed it back. "Thank you" she said. "Doyoung will be here in a minute be, do you want to rent a locker?" She asked and I nodded. I paid my fee and for the locker and thankfully had enough. I walked into the gym and saw a bunch of equipment, it was a really big gym with a high ceiling. I walked to the boys locker room and got changed and put my stuff in my locker, but kept my water bottle, and locked it with a padlock. I walked out of the room and looked at all the people. I saw a male walk towards me taking my breath away. Black hair and piercing eyes, he wore an athletic t-shirt and shorts along with nike shoes.
"Are you Jung Yoonho?" He asked. I melted at his voice. Why the hell didn't Lucas tell me this trainer is hot. I nodded and he smiled.
"My name is Kim Dongyoung, but please call me Doyoung" he said and we shook hands.
"Okay" I said.
"Well do you want to start with anything specific?" He asked and I shrugged.
"I usually take a run in the morning" I said and looked anywhere but his eyes.
"Perfect, we have a track here. How far do you usually run?"
"Sometimes five, sometimes eight" I said "depends on the morning."
"Well what kind of morning is it?"
"I'm feeling good, so an eight" I smiled and he nodded.
"Let's go to the track" he led me out of the gym and down to the track, it was a really nice track. He set his water bottle on the side and I did the same. "Let's stretch" he said.
"You're running with me?" I asked and he looked at me confused.
"Yes, I am" he said. "Now sit" I did as I was told and he spread his legs and reached for one to the point his head was on his knee and I copied his actions, although I didn't go that far. He reached for the other and once he was done he got closer and put our shoes together and reached out his hands. I took them and he held my tan hands and leaned back and I gasped feeling my body stretch. I did the same to him. He got up and stretched so he was touching his toes and we did a few more stretches and he looked at me. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded.
"I run pretty fast" I said with a smirk "just letting you know" he raised a brow and then smirked.
"I've worked with bigger men than you kid."
"Hey, who knows I may be older than you" I said.
"Cute, I'm twenty-three and you're twenty-one" he smirked and I looked at him with shock.
"How did you-"
"You filled out a sheet, remember?" He asked and I sighed.
"You got me there."
"Now let's go." He started running and I joined him. Damn he is fast. After an agonizing eight miles I was sitting on the track drinking my water. He grabbed his water and continued to stretch. "Get up, you're not suppose to sit afterward, stretch and then we'll walk a lap" he said and brought his leg up to his chest and the other one after that. His calfs were red, along with his face. He grabbed his water and took a long drink and I watched as the water dribbled out of his mouth and he set his bottle down and wiped his mouth. He looked at me and I reluctantly got up and stretched again my calfs hurting. We started walking around the track.
"So how are you so fast?" I asked. He smiled and I found it absolutely cute.
"I love to run" he said.
"If you're a trainer why are you so lean?" I asked. I was expecting a huge guy.
"I don't want to be really muscular, too much muscle freaks me out a bit" he said.
"Do I freak you out?" I said and he laughed. He grabbed my arm and squeezed my bicep and I felt my face heat up. Thank god I was still hot from the run.
"Not at all, you aren't muscular enough to have veins popping out, you're nicely toned" he let go. We made it to the end of the track and went back inside to the air conditioned room and I sighed in relief and moved my air out of my face. "Want to do more or?" He asked and I looked at him and I bit my lip.
"I usually lift some weights afterwards but damn I'm tired" I laughed.
"Okay, if you say so" he said.
"I never said I wouldn't" I smirked and he looked at me.
"Alright, lets go to the bench press" he said and led me over and fixed the bar. I put the weights on the bar that I usually lift and I laid back on the bench and was eye level with the bar and reached my hands up and grabbed the bar. I looked to see him standing behind me so he could spot me. I gulped. I lifted the bar and brought it to my chest and then up again. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going over my limit to impress him. "If you don't want to die I'd quit" he said. I sighed and was struggling to bring it up and he quickly helped me lift it and placed it on the rack. I got up and stretched my sore arms. "Let's go to the dead lift" he smirked as I groaned.
"I don't know about that..." I said.
"Don't worry, don't push yourself like you did over there" he said and he helped me put weights on it. I got to work and he made sure I was doing okay. I eventually dropped the bar getting tired and I groaned feeling stiff.
"Okay, I think I'm done" I said.
"How are your legs?" He asked and I looked at him worried he might push me.
"They're a bit sore from the running" I said.
"A bit?" He asked and I nodded.
"Let's go do some squats" he said and swiftly walked away. I groaned and he handed me a weighted ball and he held one himself. He showed me how to do it correctly and we started. I wish I was behind him. I shook my head and continued on. Soon I tapped out and put the ball back and he did the same. "Go ahead and shower, I'll grab you a robe" he said.
"Huh?" I asked.
"You did good today and your muscles are sore, I'll ease it" he swiftly walked away and I blushed and walked to the locker room and showered grabbing my stuff from my bag. I wrapped a towel around my waist and dried off and put my boxers back on. He walked in and I almost jumped out of my skin. He handed over a robe and I put it on. He was now in clean clothes and his hair was damp. He took a shower also. He pointed to a massage table and I laid down on my back first. Suddenly I felt him lift my leg and rest it on his thigh as he massaged it and I accidentally groaned but he continued on. He pressed his thumbs into my calf and made circular movements and then moved up to the top of my thigh and I blushed. He pressed a bit hard making me wince. "I know it hurts but it'll feel better soon" he said and then moved to the other leg. He then started to massage my hips and I watched him, he massaged my sides, my arms, and then told me to lay on my stomach. I did so and looked down at the floor. He started massaging the back of my legs and came awfully close to my butt but then moved to my lower back and I let out a satisfied groan and blushed in embarrassment. "If this makes you uncomfortable tell me" he suddenly said and got up on the table and hovered over me and started massaging my whole back with his hands, rubbing into my burning muscles.
"F-fuck" I whispered. His hands were like magic as he continued on and finally made it to my shoulders and dug deep. I accidentally moaned. "Shit, sorry" I said really embarrassed. He let out a laugh.
"It's alright, it happens" I could tell he was smiling. He soon got off after a few more minutes making sure he got everything. I got up and stretched popping my back a bit. "Need your back popped?" He asked and I nodded. I laid back down and he popped my back in a swift move and I groaned feeling my back pop all the way up.
"God that felt good." He let me get up and I felt much better, although I'm still sore. I coughed awkwardly grabbing my clothes and he nodded and started walking out. "Uh wait!" I said and he came back in.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Thanks for uh the session and the massage" I said and he nodded.
"No problem" he smiled. I suddenly had a boost of confidence.
"Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" I asked and he widened his eyes in shock and then his face softened.
"Sure, I'll leave my number at the front desk for you. Text me" he smiled and left and I felt myself blush. I jumped up and down but instantly regretted it due to my sore muscles.
Mission accomplished.

Short story!

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