She Will Be Loved

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Around ten a.m. my phone started ringing to some song by Mötley cru. Believe me, anything--even extremely tasteful music--can sound annoying if it wakes you up from a good enough sleep. I moaned, not opening my eyes, reaching out my hand to blindly grab it from off the nightstand. I knocked a few things off, but I was too tired to really give a shit or even notice what fell.

Once my hand found the phone, I peaked open an eye to make sure I was hitting the 'accept call' button, "Hello?" I grumbled tiredly.

"You're still coming, right?" Isaac's voice flooded through the phone, jumping straight to the point. He sounded both hopeful and anxious.

"Well, good morning to you too, Princess." I said sarcastically, rubbing my face with the hand not occupied by my phone.

"Smalls." His tone sounded a cross between stern and even a little pleading.

"Yeah, yeah, of course." I replied in an awful, raspy morning voice, "Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I know how much Noah's fan girls piss you off." Isaac sighed, "But I really want you here. Sawyer's been bitching about how he's going to kill someone if you don't show up."

I caught a note of disappointment in his voice and my protective best friend instincts immediately kicked in, "What's wrong?"

"Brooke's not coming to keep me company," Isaac said quietly. "She bailed on me again."

"Why this time?" I asked sympathetically.

"Something about her brother." He muttered.

"No wonder she said she was busy," I teased. "You never listen to her."

"I do too! I love her! I listen to every word. I just don't always remember or comprehend it." Isaac gave a small laugh, "Well, I have to go help Sawyer get ready. Love you, loser."

"Love you too! Be there in 30. Mwahh!" I pressed the 'end' button and smiled to myself. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all. I just had to steer clear of my ex and all would be well.

I grabbed my board again, slipped on my low top converse, and grabbed my little backpack bag before speeding out the door. I had a reliable little Camri, but my board was eco-friendly, and exercise didn't hurt, considering the park wasn't very far at all.

Since I was leaving the house a bit earlier today than I had yesterday, there were other boarders and even a few cars out. The competitions around here were always a big deal, and if you were a guy competing, the girls lost their fricken' minds like you were a celebrity appearance or something.

I instantly smiled as the sounds of motors and cheering and general chaos grew louder when I entered the park. There were people everywhere; they stood around with fold out chairs, had blankets set out for picnics, guys with guitars sat here and there, and a group far off to the left was passing something around that was definitely not a cigarette if you catch my drift.

I walked onward, staying on the pavement as my eyes scanned for one of the guys. Seth and Isaac generally stood out near the benches next to the fountain, so that's where I headed.

As I began to pass behind where they were setting up the judge's table, I felt a warm hand encircle my wrist. Thinking it was Isaac or one of the guys, I turned around, grinning. No sooner than I turned around, the smile fell from my face.

"Can we talk?" said none other than Noah, sounding more genuine than I'd heard in weeks.

The once-smile quickly became a scowl. I tapped my watch impatiently and waited for the moron to continue on.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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