Chapter 2

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I woke up to the "lovely" sound of my alarm clock. Oh fuck, school! I quickly put on a blue sweater and a blue bandana. I combinated it with some skinny jeans and black Vans. I love Vans, they're like my favourite shoes ever. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My reflection didn't suprise me. I had dark bags under my eyes and my skin looked pale and kinda sick. I put some concealer on and eyeliner and a little bit of mascara. My everyday look. One last glance in the mirror showes me that I had at least succeded in hiding my bags. I quickly brushed my teeth and went downstairs to make some sandwiches for school.

"Bye mom!" I screamed when I  left the house.

I only needed about two minutes to the bus stop. When I got there the bus had already arrived.

I got in and found a seat. I took my headphones out and started my music. Ariana grande Problem. I saw a group of girls looking at me. They had clothes like channel and bags from louis vuitton.just by looking at them I knew they were the popular ones in school. Wow, not even 5 minutes were over and I already knew who to stay away. After five minutes the bus stopped and I got of.

I walked into the school and luckily almost immediatly found the office. I went to the lady sitting at a desk and typing furiously on her computer. I told her my name and that I was new. She gave me my schedule (first lesson math) and my locker number. Back in the corridor I saw my locker was just around the corner. I gave in my locker combination and put my stuff I didn't need for math in. After 10 minutes of aimlessly walking I found my class. I knocked on the door and opened the door.

"Ah you must been Ally" the teacher, an old man with a friendly smily said " Please tell us something about you"

"Ahm... well my name is Ally and I'm 16. I just moved here from Texas. In my free time I love listening to music.

"Okay well there're two free seats. One in the front row and one in the back. Please choose one.

I looked around and saw whick seats she was refering to. The one in the first row had a girl next to it. I think she was one of those popular girls from the bus.

The one in the last row was next to a boy. He looked shy and had blonde hair.

I decided to sit with him. As I was walking to my new seat I heard all the girls whisper things. I only understand slut.

When I sat down the boy was staring at me. His eyes checked out my whole body. With every passing second I got more nervous. I didn't look at him. I knew it would only get worse


"If you have any questions ally please ask your seat neighbour. He will help you if you get more questions" the teacher turned around and continued with his lesson.

I took a quick glance at my seat neighbour and saw he was still staring at me. He wore a blue hoodie and a jeans. He looked a lil' bit like Justin Bieber.

"Can you .... please s...s..stop staring at me" I whispered to him, still not looking at him.

Yeah I am really shy.

"I'm Matthew, but you can call me Matt" was his answer.

He still stared at me.

"Stop it" this time I looked at his face. His eyes got bigger. It looked kinda cute. "I'm sorry but I don't like it when people, I don't know, are starring at me".

"But I love looking at pretty people" Matthew answered.

I blushed. Oh he didn't just say that. We didn't talk anymore after this. I tried to concentrate on the lesson but Matthew was still looking at me. I sighed and gave up on learning anything in maths today.

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