Fiftyone. 🕷️

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Today marked the start of the sixth week since Elliott had been buried. Six whole weeks, it almost didn't feel real. I tried to pretend that she didn't even exist at all but that just seemed to make me worse. The truth is that I missed her terribly, missed that stupid way she bit her lip when she was nervous, the sad look on her face when she thought I was staring at her cheek and the peaceful smile she had on her face when she first fell asleep. 

I had spent a lot of time in the camera room in the safe house, I knew her habits and her routines. When she slept she had a smile on her face just after she drifted off but when she woke she always looked confused or angry, maybe it was from the dreams she had, maybe it was because she continued to wake in that house every morning.

She was always really caring when it came to her family, all she ever wanted to do was to speak to her father or know where Thomas was. She never stopped asking, she cared about those two people more than anyone else in her world. 

"Harry," my mum called from the living room as I looked down at what I was doing. I was just stirring a spoon in the mug of tea in front of me. Taking the spoon out of the tea I picked up the mug and headed through to the living room where my mum offered me a smile as I put the mug on the coffee table. "Are you going out today?"

I nodded as I sat in the chair and sighed, "Yeah I'll probably be out for most of the night." The meeting with The Demrou's was tonight and there was probably going to be bloodshed, there was no guarantee that I would even make it home. If I didn't make it home I needed to know my mum and sister were going to be okay, I'd put my money in a spot they would easily find it if the worst was to happen, but I planned on making it home. 

"Be safe love," she spoke softly as she gave me a sad smile. 

Rolling my eyes at her I looked at the telly, "Please stop feeling sorry for me, there's nothing wrong."

"I do read the papers, you know," she piped up getting my attention. Turning my head to look at her I raised an eyebrow, I didn't know exactly what she meant by that. "That girl you brought here, Elliott." She reached into the drawer under the coffee table and pulled out a page from a newspaper. "I read this."

She offered me the page which I stared at for a second before I took it from her, I glanced at the old page as I realized what this was. The words didn't seem to make any sense as I scanned over it, the only thing that stood out to me the most was the beautiful picture of Elliott that was next to the words. Sucking in my bottom lip and biting it I put the page on the coffee table before I looked at my mother. "What about it?"

She shook her head at me, "I know you care."

"She was just a friend," I told her. I was lying to her and lying to myself. She may have started as just a friend but I knew that she wanted more and I did too even if I lied to myself over and over. 

Terry would have understood love surely? He would have forgiven all in the end. Not that any of these stupid thoughts mattered now, she was dead, we had buried her. He didn't need to know anything, there was actually nothing to tell him. 

"You can still be upset about a friend," she told me. "Harry?" I looked at her, my mum, as she sat there, her disease had caught up with her and she seemed to have days were she was must worse than others, today was a good day though. "The time you were away, she was with you, wasn't she?"

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