Chapter 23

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The next day Perrie's court

Liam POV

Well today is the day. Jess told me to stay at her place last night cause she didn't want

to stay alone. That girl is a mess

My heart broke everytime I heard her cry alil she isn't taking this very good today is the

day for Perrie's trial an it's scary

I hope she gets wat she deserves god if she doesn't I'll kill her myself.

"Jess are u ready yet love"

"Not yet bae" she always calls me that when she's in a good mood it makes my

stomaches flip an ugh I can't describe what she does to me.

"Hurry we still have to pick up lil Zayn"

"Okay, I'm coming"

I head to the couch to sit but as soon as I do Jess is behind me

"Ready?" She asked smiling

"Yes let's go"



Liam's POV

We sat down in the front of the court room they let me sit with Jess to calm her a bit

That's unit they brought Perrie in Jess tensed alil an I can tell she wanted to kill her but

She knew it wasn't right.

The judge came in through the giant doors everyone stood up

"Alright everyone take seat we are here to see if miss Edwards is guilty"

We all know she is even she does idk why they don't just kill that bitch, she doesn't

Deserve to live all she has done to us makes me wanna kill her myself

"Alright Perrie can you please come up to the podium" the judge said kindly

Perrie followed his orders for once let's see what this bitch has to say about this she

better not lie.

Perrie's POV

Theirs no point of lying anymore I'm just gonna tell the truth Jess was right I should

just take the consequences to my action an I can't live with what I become I took

The love of my life's live away an left a poor kid without a father an I'm not proud of it

Gosh this pain hurts even worse then the time Zayn broke up with me seeing lil

Zayn makes me more guilty I deserve to die I hate my life

" so miss Edwards tell the story"

At this point I wanted to say a total lie but it's better to say the truth what I did was

Wrong so here goes

I looked at Jess an almost cried when I saw lil Zayn he looked a lot like Zayn

" well it all started when me an Zayn broke up I felt lonely an didn't want anyone but

myself to have him so I decide it was better to kill Jess to get her out of my way but it

need up wrong I want Zayn to myself an when I thought I got everything my way I saw

Jess laying their with Zayns helpless body I called an ambulance an thought he'd be

Okay but that didn't happen I deserve what I get I deserve to rot in jail I can't take

Living anymore knowing a left a kid without a father I hate myself more then

Anything!!!" I started to cry I looked at Jess she was also in tears shocked to came

Over to me an hugged me i was shocked but hugged her back

" I'm sorry Jess I really am I was so freaking stupid I don't deserve u to hug me" I said

"It's okay perrie I probably would have done the same idk but now that u regret it I

want us to be friends" she said with a smile

" Jess I'm going to be in prison for years how we gonna manage that"

"I'll drop the case" she said

" no!!! I deserve going Jess don't you dare I hurt u an ur son I deserve it" I said with a


" okay ladies since miss Edwards said the truth there's nothing else to say miss Edwards

you are guilt for the murder of Mr. Zayn Malik you are sentence to 15 years in prison"

That's a lot of years Jess sent me a reassuring face an I just gave her a half smile I'm not

Proud of what I did I'm being dragged to my cell

"Wait"Jess spoke up

"She doesn't derserve this I can't see her suffer like this u have

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