민 친매

392 31 2

Stepping out of the car, their faces lit up in awe. The smell of the fresh sea filled her lungs, seagulls calling out to each other in the skies echoed through the area. The sound of ocean waves pushing up against the hot, dry sand was faint in their ears, almost inaudible. A girl and a boy stepped out from the palaces grand entrance, both wearing ruffled button ups with black bottoms. 

The two bowed politely when they reached them at the bottom of the stairs. Two other servants came down, taking the Kings to where the Queens were. "Hello Princess Chinmae, I will be your servant for your time here in JYP Kingdom. My name in Chaeyoung," her voice was monotone, her eyes as dead and ominous as a dead fish limply floating in the sea. 

The boy beside her seemed to be the exact opposite, smiling brightly at Yedam. "Hello Prince Yedam, I will be your servant. The name's Chan!" He chirped happily. The two servant then stepped to the side, the large door opening once again, revealing the two young princes. 

"Prince Yedam and Princess Chinmae, welcome to JYP Kingdom," the older prince greeted them, bowing down. "Follow your servant to your room, we'll expect you guys to come down for the grand welcoming dinner." Chinmae's eyes drifted off to her empty pinky, an unnerving feeling clouding in her stomach as she stared at it. It had been a while since the red string disappeared and she had clearly forgotten about it, but she had seemed to remember about it at that moment.

The two walked down the stairs, the older taking Yedam's hand as the younger took Chinmae's hand, kissing the knuckles before switching. "We have never met before, have we, Princess?" Her eyes drifted away from her hand and into the prince's warm, coffee brown eyes. 

"I don't think we have, Prince Hyunjin," she responded, her ice cold, unique eyes staring up into his. Hyunjin chuckled lightly, pulling his hand away from her grip. Jeongin followed his movement, lips shut tightly like they were sealed with glue. There was obvious tension held in the air and it was for something Chinmae had no clue why. 

"Princess Mae, would you like to head to your room?" Junkyu reached his hand out, gently touching Chinmae's shoulder. The princess could only weakly nod her head, feeling another episode coming. A painful twinge shot through her heart, her nose scrunching up in pain for half a second before relaxing back to her blank face. 

Hyunjin's eyes sparked in curiosity and amusement, remembering how Junkyu was the servant of Yedam. Now the boy whom Yedam would complain about was standing with Yedam, their hands intertwined. He was sure to get the tea from either one of them, hopefully both of them. "Chaeyoung sshi, please lead up to Princess Mae's room." Chaeyoung nodded her head, leading the two inside of the palace. 

Hyunjin jumped right onto his heels, looking at Yedam. "So...I guess you were the unlucky winner of the marriage!" Jeongin punched Hyunjin's arm, but the older ignored his more mature younger brother and stared at Yedam with interest. Yedam cracked a smile. 

"I guess," he shrugged, squeezing Mashiho's hand, causing the boy to let out a surprised whimper. Jeongin stared at Yedam's eyes, watching as the hues of different colors dance different from the left and right. One was bright and the other was dark, something Jeongin didn't understand. 

"Is your servant your lover soulmate?" Jeongin asked, pointing at their eyes. Yedam's eyes flickered to Mashiho, who coward behind his broad build. His mouth opened, "N-" catching himself, Yedam coughed, pretending to clear his throat. 

"Yes, this is my soulmate, Mashiho," Yedam nudged Mashiho to step forward, which he reluctantly did. The poor boy seemed like a lost pup, his eyes glistening like tears welling up. "He's very...shy. Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to unpack." Yedam gestured to his luggage that held all of his needs for the week he would be staying. Hyunjin and Jeongin nodded their heads, letting Chan come and lead him to his room. 

The three began walking up the marble stairs, leaving Hyunjin and Jeongin to stand from the bottom, staring up at them. "Oh, Prince Yedam!" Yedam turned around, looking down at the princes. "You share a room with your fiance, if you don't mind. Mashiho and Junkyu will be sharing rooms in the servants quarters!" And with that, the two young princes of JYP Kingdom scurried off, attending something...special. 

Chinmae paced around the room as soon as the door slammed shut, Chaeyoung leaving Junkyu and the Princess alone in her suite. "I have to share a room with him?" she muttered to herself, chanting it in the quiet room. Junkyu could only watch her, panicking himself. He loved Yedam and Mashiho was his best friend, but finding out that they were soulmates broke him. The two panicked in the room with each other, unsure of what to do. 

"Wh-what do we do, Princess?" Junkyu turned to look at the pacing girl, watching her red sundress dance around her legs with each step she took. Tears welled up in her eyes as her heart clenched together tightly, her breathing cut short. "P-Princess!"

Junkyu ran to aid Chinmae, his arms wrapping around her small figure. Her hands gripped at her heart, whimpering in pain. "I-It's happening again...please, stop it..." Chinmae cried in pain, her nails clawing on Junkyu's chest as he pulled her to her bed. Once laying on the silk bed, she curled up into a fetal position, her arms hugging her knees to her chest. 

Soft sobs sounded in the room. Chinmae felt the bed shift, weight beside her dipping into the bed. Junkyu's hand rubbed against her back in a soothing manner, his fingers drawing shapes like stars and hearts. "You know I can't stop it," Junkyu hummed, sadness laced in his tone. 

"It-it feels worse than giving birth," she gasped, "It feels worse than death" Chinmae sobbed into her knees, the pain worsening, "It feels like I'm going to die but when I think I am, I can only keep my eyes open."

His grip on the metal handle tightened, his deep purple-red eye peaked through the door, watching Junkyu comfort the princess as she cried out in pain. "Mine," he growled possessively, about to swing the door open, but a hand took a hold of his wrist, stopping him. 

"Yours?" he scoffed, "When did that happen?" Yedam rolled his eyes, a scowl on his face. 

"It doesn't matter to you," Yedam muttered, about to open the door but Mashiho stopped him yet again. 

"I'm your soulmate now, so it does matter to me. If you care about her so much, then why didn't to accept her. If you accepted her then...then," Mashiho's fierce tone softened, his expression saddening. "Then maybe Junkyu would have a lover."

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