Regno dei cani was my home, I was born in a small part of the kingdom called Sanguis, Sanguis was not a pretty place, the dirt streets were littered with trash and old bloodstains of those who were to weak to fight off their assailant. The ones who were considered weak were those who had a heart for helping others, they were the ones to stop and help a child find their parents, they were the ones who usually died. I lived in a small cottage with my mother and my two pet snakes, Bird and Cypher, my mother doesn't know it but those two are venomous their bites could easily kill since us commoners aren't rich enough to afford such good medicine. My mother said she bought them when, I was three and ever since then they have always been my best friends. Bird and Cypher were very intelligent they understood many human words, they could read, they can open things using their strong bodies they always seemed to understand everything i told them they even protect me from harm when I'm asleep. I walked on the dirt path, Bird and Cypher curled around my neck lightly as not to hurt me the sun beat down on me making me sweat buckets. It was mid July the hottest month of the year, I stopped my treak to wipe a bead of sweat from my brow and continued to the market. The market was mostly deserted only a few ventured out so early in the mid July heat