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(Sonic's POV)

I was a little mad that I lost a bet with Knuckles and I had to go on a mission with Amy alone. This is the worst day of my life! Not only the last time I worked together with Amy alone years ago, but this one is totally different because Amy loves looking for artifacts. I on the other hand had to walk with her like an average person like everyone else.

"I can carry you. I have speed you know" I complained.

"Oh stop it you big baby. It's time that you learned what it's like to be average like me and everyone else. Just like you did when couldn't run because of that strange noise" Amy scoffed in annoyance.

"I don't do average, Amy. Speed is my life and if I'm forced to not run I go paranoid again. You have no idea what it's like to slow down and be forced to not run anymore" I crossed my arms, I can see that we're almost there to the abandoned mine tunnel.

"If you were me you would understand why I can't run as fast as you. My lungs and my breathing get squeezed to death from running too much!" Amy glared.

"You as a girl? Please, I like being a male and us males are stronger than women" I scoffed and anger.

"Hehehehe, is that so?" Amy just laughed.

"This is no joke! And females are way too compassionate. Not even looking tougher like males" I said, being very serious.

"If I were you, I would eat something healthy rather than chili dogs. And to be very honest by telling the truth rather than making dumb excuses" Amy said, walking past me as she went in the mine tunnel.

I turned on my flashlight as we went into the darker areas, "Well you can be bossy at times you know" I said to her.

"That's just to put someone in submission" Amy replied.

"Not even close to submission" I rolled my eyes.

"And you can be very cocky when you don't think straight" Amy said.

"Cocky is my personality trait. Without it I would be out of character. And I don't do compassion" I scoffed.

"Hmph" Amy huffed. Soon we came to a chamber with carts laying on the sides.

"Let's see what we can find" I told Amy to get going.

Heh, too easy. My speed can be quick in a few seconds. I ran around all over the place and found a broken blue half diamond piece. Almost like a broken heart sort of thing.

"I found something!" I called out.

"Me too!" Amy held out a broken pink half diamond piece. Just like a heart.

"But hey, it seems they come together" Amy noticed that they match the pieces.

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"It has to be. I hope" Amy said.

Then something happened, a bright flash appeared when we put the pieces together. And then it was just black out.

(Amy's POV)

I feel like I got knocked out cold but I regain conscience. I opened my eyes and found myself in Sonic's cabin.

"Ow....uhhh....what am I doing in Sonic's cabin?" I asked myself.

I got up and goes up to look after him when I noticed something terrible when I saw a mirror, "AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" I see only Sonic in the mirror.

I looked at my hands which are not mine. Oh god! This is terrible! My quills are not mine either!

"What the hell is going on?!" I yelled but I heard that I still have my real female voice in Sonic's body.

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