Chapter One

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The case Grissom was working on was crazy and hectic; when it was solved he was more than happy. As he read over an article, Grissom walked the halls of his workplace. So engrossed in what he was reading, he didn't see the person in front of him nor did the other person and before they knew it, the two of them had collided.

"I am really sorry." The female apologized.

Grissom laid eyes on the most intriguing women he had seen in a very long time. She had long, luscious red hair and eyes so vibrantly green that he had a hard time believing they were real.

Realizing he hadn't said anything, "'s ok. Can I help you with anything?" He asked.

"As a matter of fact, you can. I'm looking for Captain Brass." She replied.

Grissom could hear a faint accent within the few things she had said. "You're not from here are you?" He inquired.

"No, I'm from Ireland. Again, I'm sorry and I don't mean to be rude, but I'm kind of in a hurry and need to know where Brass is." She pushed.

"I'll take you to him." Grissom offered with a nod. The two reached Brass just as he was leaving one of the many rooms in the building; he was shortly followed by a man in drag.

"How many times do I need to tell you, Brass, to leave my father alone?" She asked as they approached.

The girl's father held up his hands. "It's ok honey. He had a few questions about a case he is working on. I'm not in trouble."

"Geez, you could've left that in your message. Not only did you make me worry, but late for work as well."

Moving next to her, "Now don't be rude sweetie. Who is your friend?"

"I don't know. I ran into him on my way inside. Literally."

Grissom smiled, holding out his hand, "Gil Grissom."

"I am so sorry for my daughter's rudeness." Shaking his hand, "I'm Michael but you can call me Michelle if you like."

The woman took her father's wrist, "Ok, now we're introduced."

"I did not raise you to be rude to anyone like that." Brass and Grissom heard the father say as the two left.

Days later, Nick and Grissom made their way into an aquarium. An unfamiliar fish had been found in their dead victim's stomach and it could only be found at this aquarium.

They explained the situation to the manager who nodded, "Ahh, you are going to want to talk with our fish expert. She'll be able to help ya."

The manager took them over to the tank with the seals. The fish expert was found in the tank dressed in sandals, guy swim trunks and a swimsuit top feeding two seals. The manager whistled for her to come over. The corner of Grissom's mouth went up some when he saw it was the Irish girl he had met a few days ago.

"CSI is here for a few questions. Behave." The manager warned her.

She laughed with a big grin, "Hey Mr. Grissom; who's your friend?" She checked Nick out.

"This is Nick Stokes." Nick held out his hand as Grissom introduced him.

Biting her bottom lip, "Sorry I'd shake your hand, but I got dead fish and seal spit all over me. Ludo thought it would be so funny to spit on me while feeding him." They all looked hearing a noise coming from one of the seals.

"It's ok. We just have a few questions to ask and your manager said you were the one to ask Miss..." Grissom trailed off.

"Ruby, just straight up Ruby. None of this Miss stuff. So what are these questions you have for me?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips and not removing her gaze from Grissom.

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