What's that boy doing in the backyard?

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It was a typical night in a single house in Royal Woods. However it wasn't any ordinary house because it's home to 2 loving parents and 11 darling daughters. This was the home of the louds who fit the very description of a loving family. This was seen by everyone that knew the louds however one boy didn't share that opinion. This boy was called Lincoln Loud who was sentenced to live in the backyard for being "bad luck". It all started when Lynn Jr. lost her game and started accusing him of being bad luck which quickly caused his other sisters and parents to start calling him that after a series of incidents that happened when he was around. It was ridiculous since he did these incidents himself on purpose and he even admitted it to the family. Sadly, his family didn't believe him and cruelly kicked him out after blocking access to his room and selling his furniture.

So here he is, lying on a pile of leaves trying to get some warmth while the rest of the family slept on their warm beds. However Lincoln's situation would be turned around when an off duty officer walking his dog spotted him in the backyard. 

(What is that boy doing in the backyard?) The off duty officer thought. He carefully scaled the fence and say Lincoln in his pajamas covered up by leaves. The officer was horrified by the scene and quickly shot a picture of Lincoln. He looked around then saw a ladder and looked inside hoping that the family wasn't at home or was just coming in late. His assumptions were proven wrong when he saw all the loud children in their beds. He also took pictures of this scene then quickly walked home so he can get in his car and alert his chief to this child neglect.

Author Notes:

How was my first NSL fanfic? 

See you later bye 👋 

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