Questioning Part 3

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Officer Henry knew that this interview was going to be interesting considering it was Lynn Jr. He heard stories of the teen's asaults against other kids not to mention that she had a winner's streak. Hopefully she's behave herself in the interview, but if she doesn't behave then he'll have no choice, but to send her to juvie. 

Lynn Jr. Interveiw:

"Hello Lynn Jr." Officer Henry greeted.

"Hello." She greeted. It was pretty weird that he knew her name, but she quickly got over it since she figured that he heard of her during her many wins in sports.

"So What's your take on the incident?" Officer Henry Asked.

"Lincoln showed up at one of my games and I lost!! So I blamed him for my misfortune and slowly everyone in the household shared my opinion except Lily since she's not old enough to understand." Lynn Jr. explained.

Officer Henry looked at her like she was insane. I mean who could blame him for it since the whole mess started over a game. Looking at her; It was clear that she didn't feel any remorse for her actions in this mess.

"May I ask what you usually do in games?" Henry Asked.

"I do my good luck rituals and do the same plays that I usually do." Lynn Said.

"Wait a minute. You do the same plays over and over again. I'm sorry to ask this but what is wrong with you?" Officer Henry Asked. He couldn't believe that she believes that doing the same thing again and again would help her win at everything in sports. No one could believe that besides athletes always showed good sportsmanship and one would think that she wouldn't pass the blame on anything else but herself. Sadly this wasn't the case in this situation which made all of this seem like a case of a family following the words of a sore loser who couldn't take responsibility for her own actions.

"Nothing is wrong with me. I just do the same plays since it helps me win again and again every time. Well..It did before my no good brother decided to come to one of my games and ruined my winning streak." Lynn sneered. What was wrong with this guy? Nothing was wrong with her. She just likes to win at everything. Besides she's the victim not stupid Lincoln. He caused the family to be looked at with a bad light. When she got her hands on him, She'll beat him until he learns his lesson.

"Young Lady, Your brother had nothing to do with you losing your game. In fact, it was just the fact that you're a sore loser." Officer Henry Said. He could see that the parents rarely grounded these girls. These girls seem to think that they could get off Scott free and not deal with the consequences. He knew that he and some of the other officers need to talk with these parents again. Besides he could see that at least one of them is regrettable from their actions while the other is in complete denial. 

Lynn looked at the officer with deep rage. Nobody called her a sore loser and got away with it. So she did the only logical thing that she could think of...She quickly tried to attack the officer with no regard for the consequences. However before she could Officer Henry managed to tas the girl. He slowly walked behind her and placed her in handcuffs.

"Henry, Why is that Loud Girl in handcuffs?" The chief asked. He dreaded to know the answer, but he knew that he had to hear it.

"She tried to assault me because I called her a sore loser. Boss, we really need to have a serious talk  with the parents about their girls behavior." Henry Said.

The chief (Dixie Swanson) pinched her nose in frustration. This case has just been unbelievable. I mean what kind of family kicks their own family member in the streets.

"Place her in a separate cell from the parents. We already called their grandfather and his picking them up in a couple of minutes. We can also interview the younger loud girls later." She Said somberly. She used to believe that nobody in Royal Woods could be monsters, but the Louds have proved her wrong. 

As she watched Officer Henry take Lynn Jr. away, She thought back to the only Loud son and the youngest loud. If they didn't get them out in time then would they be like the rest. It was nothing sort of a miracle that they didn't turn out like them. She also hoped that some would learn from this, but she'll have to wait and see.

Besides who knows what will happen next for the Louds.

Author POV:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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