The Present

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Liam's POV,
I promised you Emily, that whenever i will be alone in the night sky, with all the stars above, the only person I'll be thinking of is you.
Here I sit, with the pristine moonlight, the twinkling stars and the stream running with sounds of its splashes and my hand on the stone where we lingered some time back. It all looks so beautiful but the only beauty i remember and thinking is only you. Wish you were back here with me. I want you more than anything in the universe. I again want to see your smile and want to linger my fingers with yours. You know I've loved you and will always. But I don't know where you are now and in which state, but I know you must be thinking of me too. You must be waiting for me and I will rescue you. I will be there for you, I promise, whenever you need. We have come across love,pain and loss but now it's time to reverse the cycle and get back to love again.
I'm coming Emily!❤️

Hey everyone. So... how's it. Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote!!😊😊

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