His Butler, Lover

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EDIT: So long....over 3000 words I just went through...man. It was also weird cause I haven't wrote any smut or anything in awhile and knowing that I wrote this, still amazes me. Especially since I wrote this in History class. Any enough chit chat. So there was a lot to fix but mainly the spelling and grammar. I added and changed some things. I also took out any A/N: as I found those not needed. I also...I also removed the dedication. You see, I am not dating anymore, and I am actually with another so it was kinda weird. The other girl doesn't use her wattpad that much anyways, I don't think. Anyways, here is the edited of His Butler, Lover. Yes, I fixed the title as well. I probably will delete where I said there was a cover, it isn't of importance. Enjoy!



I found this in an old notebook and decided to share it. Wrote this last year, in History class if I must say so. *giggles* Hope you like!

I don't own Black Butler.

"Ciel..." I gasped as I felt cool fingers on my bare skin. Fingers that gives me pleasure and shivers even though these fingers have touched me before, bathing and dressing me. No this was different. I looked up to see crimson red eyes looking at me. I felt moist lips against mine. The fingers stroke my chest, moving downwards.

"Ciel..." I gasp as the cool fingers wrap around my length and I saw a smile on the face of my lover. The hand that the fingers belonged to, begin to stroke me, teasing me, speeding up....

"My lord? " I jolt awake and look around. I was in my bedroom, but no lover. I sighed in relief and a bit in disappointment. A dream, it was all a dream. Just like always. I frowned. If it was a dream why did I still feel a hand on my length. I looked down and pulled my night shirt lower hoping it would hide the hard on, embarrassed even if no one saw. I took a deep breath. There was a knock.

"My lord. Are you alright?"

"Ye...yes come in." I made sure I was covered completely. It hurt, but I could easily hide my expressions. A talent I had learned long ago.

The door opened and my butler, Sebastian stepped in. I mentally gulped.

"My lord, was it a dream? You were moaning a lot." I looked at the red eyes that haunted my dreams each night.

"I am fine Sebastian. What is for breakfast?"

"Scones. Scones and Earl Gray, my lord."

"Very good." The tea will calm me down. I watch as Sebastian pours my tea, his skillful hands pouring the hot water and stirring it in. Those very hands. I bit my lip to stop a moan. He hands me my tea and goes to open the curtains. My gaze fell to his ass, and I gulped on my tea, the hot liquid distracting me. Sebastian comes back over with today's clothes in his gloved hands. I set my, now empty cup down as Sebastian kneels to remove my nightshirt. He begins to undo the buttons. I couldn't stop a shiver. Sebastian stopped and looked at me for a second.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothing my lord." He dresses me, once or twice his gloved fingers brushed against my skin. Bringing back my dream of cool fingers, red eyes and moist lips.

"My lord?" I shook my head as he tied on my eyepatch.


"Shall I read your schedule for today?" I nod. I am so distracted today, Sebastian could tell. I curse silently.

His Butler, LoverWhere stories live. Discover now