The Party

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Narrator: Godzilla got up and walk out the cave and went up to the river and look at himself.

Godzilla: *yawn* *smack mouth* *remember dance* oh shoot I forgot

Narrator: Godzilla dash back into his cave and started getting ready and came out the same but clean

Godzilla: Time to get the gifts for Femuto   *Running*

*Femuto Cave*

Narrator: Femuto was getting her hair done while humming silent tones

Femuto: Mhmhmmhmh done know wait for Godzilla

*King Kong Forest store*

Narrator: Godzilla started running to King Kong store where he get everything from the human place

*Arrive at King Kong store*

Godzilla: Finally im here

King Kong: hey Godzilla what do you want

Godzilla: oh I want one chocolate pack of candy  and one gold necklace

King Kong: okay hey who is this for

Godzilla: this is for femuto where going to the dance together

King Kong: wait the dance

Godzilla: yea

King Kong: doesn't start in four hour

Godzilla: four hours! I need to go here the money bye

Narrator: Godzilla Started swimming as fast as he could

Godzilla mind: man I hope we're not late for the party

Narrator: Godzilla arrive to femuto cave and roar to call her

Femuto: WOW your late to pick me up

Godzilla: I know I'm 😰

Femuto: it okay *kisses Godzilla check* let go

Godzilla: *froze* yea let's go

Narrator: finally they arrive to the party and was having the fun of there life

Femuto: This is fun thank Godzilla for taking me

Godzilla: no problem

Femuto: *lean to Godzilla*

Godzilla: *lean to femuto*

Narrator: when Godzilla and femuto was finally about to kiss for the first time they were interrupted by a explosion

Godzilla: what was that

Femuto: I don't know 😰

Godzilla: everybody head to safety and rodan and jet jaguar with me

Rodan and jet: yes sir

Narrator: Godzilla and jet and rodan go outside to see king Ghidorah and Destoroyah destroying the entrance

Godzilla: King Ghidorah and Destoroyah what are you doing here

King Ghidorah: destroying the party Godzilla because we didn't get a invite to the party

Destoroyah: Yea were monsters too

Jet Jaguar: But aren't you guys bad guys and almost destroyed innocent monster and human

King Ghidorah: Maybe

Godzilla: you know what enough talk y'all going down

Narrator: That when when Godzilla charge a atomic breath toward king and hit him while rodan and jet went after Destoroyah but when that was happening Kiryu and SpaceGodzilla were right behind femuto

Femuto: oh my god I hope Godzilla is okay

Kiryu: he will but not you

Femuto: what hey let go of me *smack Kiryu*

Kiryu: *hold tighter*

SpaceGodzilla: Hey femuto

Femuto: huh

SpaceGodzilla: you didn't have my blessing to go to the dance with my brother you $&@$ *knockout femuto*

Kiryu: *calling king and Destoroyah* The task done hold back

King and Destoroyah: yes sir

King: Now we need to go bye *fly away*

Destoroyah: has hahahahah *fly away too*

Godzilla: huh where going I'm barely warmup whatever there gone we did it

Jet: Yea begone

Rodan: *nod*

Random Monster: Godzilla

Godzilla: Yes

Random Monster: there a note for you

Godzilla: Let me see *read* Hello old friend it's me Kiryu I have femuto and if you don't give me the island I will kill her and the people you love *stop reading*

Godzilla: No no no no noooooooook *Yells super loud*


SavageHalo: I guess that the end to that chapter oh hey reader is see you mad look I haven't apple to make a new chapter I just got Finishing my last basketball game for my school and I been on top of school work also I hope you enjoy this chapter bye.

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