Love Letter-Elle

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Dear Elvis,

  Elvis I know you are probably in Tennessee enjoying the fame and all but I hope you know I missed you. Your all I think about but I know if I keep thinking of you, my heart will only be broken. Elvis, please settle a decision. Do you love me or not anymore?


                                                                                                                                Dear Elle,  
                                              Never in my life have I ever been asked such a silly question. Of course I still love you. I was planning to come make a visit and when I saw you I'd ask if you'd like to come with me to Tennesse. We could live together, love eachother. All the years we spent together were for a reason. Why have it go to waste?

Dear Elvis,
  Elvis I'm so glad to hear this! It thought maybe you moved on. I knew those years weren't to go to waste. Elvis, when will you come? I'm giddy as I run all around my family announcing you're coming. Please come as soon as possible!

Dear Elvis,
   Elvis it's been a month since you've last contacted me. Is everything alright? Please write soon and please visit soon! I'm ready to live a life with you.


Dear Elvis,
     Your a fake and phony and I never want to see you. Those years were a waste afterall. You don't love me, I see you on the TV looking at those girls with a look I know too well. Elvis, I now know your decision. Why did you have to lie? Now I'm heartbroken but you don't care. Bye Elvis.

Hello! I know the title is love letters and this part came out to be nothing of the sort but I was feeling this certain mood for some reason. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and I'm going to do my best to update more often. Bye and have a lovely day!


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