A/N and Prologue

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AUTHOR'S NOTE (Important)

I'm writing a new story.

Yes, a new story.

I know you're going to be all skeptical, but believe me, this will not fizzle out like EFE and DM-NAD did. I will actually make a conscious effort to update! XD

I will continue to update DM- An Impossible Fantasy periodically, though. So never fear, that story is not going on Hold. :P

Please, please, please check out @illyna16! She is the amazing person who made the cover!! :) And she's writing a story of her own, Same But DIfferent! Doesn't it sound cool? :D

I guess I'm too lazy to put the copyright stuff, and let's face it- it doesn't exactly prevent people from plagiarizing things.

But I will be serious on this-- anybody, and I mean anybody, who even thinks (Okay fine, you can think once because I said so) about copying this story will go straight to where Voldemort and his Death Eaters ended up. I'm serious. •_• Anybody who sees a book on Wattpad even the slightest bit similar to my story is fully encouraged to tell me. So I'm just going to warn all those people who go around blatantly stealing ideas not to steal this one. If you do, you will have no idea what hit you.

I'm serious. I actually enjoy writing, and it really hurts and annoys me when people just think they can copy off all my hard work and benefit off of it.

Next- do not, ever, force or act like you're forcing me to update. I'm also serious on this.

I used to like writing DM- An Impossible Fantasy until the reads started rocketing up. I was fine with that-- happy even, but when people said 'UPDATE OR ELSE I WILL AVADA KEDAVRA YOU' and other comments like that, it just makes me feel like I'm forced to update. And then I stopped feeling like I was updating for fun and more like for work. I do that to some people to, but when I realized how annoying it was, I stopped.

Please, please do not do that. I know that some of you really actually like my stories, and that makes me happy. If you say 'Please update, this story is really good,' I'll be fine with that. But never, never say anything along the lines of 'Hurry up and update or else!' That really makes me angry. Yeah, I could update ten parts a day, but then they would be cr**py and horrible. I put a lot of time in my writing and so please do not ever annoy me like that.

And lastly, comments.

I accept criticism, and even try to learn from it. But please do not say purposely hurtful things-- if you don't like my stories, then leave. I put a lot of effort into this story and I'm really hurt when someone just steps over it like it's trash.

I'm also happy at the 20k reads I have on AIF. Thank you for that, and I hope you enjoy this story as much as possible, too. :)

That being said, enjoy the story! :)



I fled. Tears streamed down my face as I ran, and I didn't even bother to conceal my face as I rushed through the Ministry. People murmured, pointed, and stared, but nobody stepped up to talk to me as I swiftly did a graceful turn, and Apparated.

Right before I vanished, a hand grabbed my arm, and as I appeared on the sidewalk, Ron Weasley hurried after me. "Hermione! Wait!"

I rushed through the masses, the crowd bumping into me as I stumbled along. And Ron refused to stop following me. "Hermione!"

Finally, when I heard him blundering along me on an alleyway, I turned. "What do you want me to say, Ron?" I asked, an emotionless look on my face. "That I totally forgive you for kissing Lavender in front of me? That I'll welcome you back with open arms for cheating on me for Merlin knows how long?"

The look on his face showed that was exactly what he thought.

"You've been my boyfriend for over three years," I said, my voice trembling. "Three years, Ron. And you're just going to throw all that away?"

"Well, what would have you done?" He yelled, throwing his arms in exasperation. "Hermione, I'm just tired of this! You're right, it's been three years-- don't you think it's time to, you know... Start fresh?"

"So I'm just another piece of eye candy, huh?" I retorted, my lips trembling. "Just like Isabel, just like Lydia... So I.. Me in particular... I don't mean anything to you?" I was desperate now, clutching at straws so thin that they slipped out of my fingers, taunting me.

"Well, we did get together just because everyone wanted us to," he shrugged, not looking at me, but examining a stray thread on his shirt. The shirt, the one that I had bought for him a year ago.

I could feel my vision turning red."Then tell me, Ron! Tell me, for Merlin's sake! It's been three years!"

He groaned. "Don't tell me you're going to go all possessive and clingy on me, now," he said, rolling his eyes. "I thought you were different... After Diana..." he trailed off. "I'm sick of those kind of women, Hermione. I stuck for with you for-- I don't even know how long-- just because of that reason, and then you go all whiny on me? Really?"

His patronizing tone rang in the cold November air, and I wanted to cry. After all this time... Always.

"Ron," I whispered, my voice cracking. "I gave up everything to be your girlfriend. A spot on the Auror's team, Diana's friendship..." I reached out to touch his cheek, and drew it back ever so slightly.


I slapped him, hard. "How dare you!" I yelled, suddenly furious beyond imagining. "How dare you, Ron, to break a woman's heart!" I pulled out my wand, and he stepped back looking slightly alarmed. "And you have no shame," I whispered. "How could you?"

"When women get scary," I heard him mutter. "Hermione, calm down. You're acting irrational," he added.

"Me, acting irrational?" I shrieked, and shouted, "I remained faithful to you, Ron! And you, you-"

I broke.

Turning, I ran from the very person I loved the most in the world.

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