Part 1

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"Come on, you can do it!" Yelled Kathrine as she watched her little brother's baseball game.


"Run! Jake run! You can make it!" Kate yelled as her little brother Jacob hit the ball and was racing through the bases.

"Yes! Yes! You did it won the game!" Kate cheered as she jumped over the fence and hugged her little brother.

After the game, Kate and Jake walked side by side to the ice cream shop down the road.

"You were great out there, and I'm proud of you," kate said as she licked her ice cream cone.

"Yes, I know but I wish mom was here to see the game" jake said sadly.

"I know. We are all sad that she couldn't be here" kate said as she thought of their mother who died of cancer a month ago.

"Why did she have to die before my first game?" Jake said as he licked his ice cream.

"I don't know Jake, but I wish she was still alive so we don't have to live with your father," kate said sadly.

"What time is it?" Jake asked to change the subject, he knew his half-sister didn't like his father but who could? He was a drunk, and very mean, he beats us and all...

"It's almost 8:00 pm why?- oh no! It's almost eight and he will be home drunk and wanting supper! We got to get home fast!" Kate said as she got up from the picnic table and threw the rest of her ice cream cone away.

Jake got up and did the same, he didn't know as much as Kate did well, he is only ten yrs. Old and Kate is sixteen yrs. Old...

Kate and Jake ran off to the trailer park and walked up their driveway seeing their father's worn-out old truck sitting there.

The first thing that came to Kate's mind was We're dead.

Kate and Jake walked into the house quietly as they Could. Kate then went into the kitchen and started to get things out to make supper with Jake helping.

Soon an of supper was done, but they didn't hear anything from their father. Kate grabbed his plate and walked to his bedroom door and put her ear up to it.

The only noise she heard was his snoring. Which was good no one is going to get beaten tonight?

Kate then opened the door quietly and placed his plate of food next to the bed, then she snuck back out and shut the door behind her with a sigh.

She then walked back to the kitchen and sat down next to her brother at the table.

She then said" let's pray; thank you God for the wonderful day you have given us, thank you for allowing Jake's baseball team to win today, and thank you that my stepfather didn't beat any of us tonight, thank you God for this food we are about to eat bless it to our bodies in Jesus name amen"

She then looked up and smiled at Jake and they started to eat their food.

After They were done eating, Kate grabbed the dishes and washed and dried them, then put them away.

She turned around and looked at her brother and said "time for bed"

Jake went off to their room as Kate made sure the lights were off and everything was done, then she headed off to bed.

She then tucked Jake's blanket around him and kissed his head and whispered "good night, my sweet little brother" then she walked over to her bed and climbed in and called her german shepherd Captain, " Captain come here boy"

Then Captain joined her on her bed, and then she turned off the lamp and fell asleep.

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