Part 2

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Kate opened her eyes and looked out the window, where is he going its Saturday? He never goes any were on a Saturday.

Kate then got up and dressed. She walked up to her brother's bed and said:" time to get up sleepy head."

"Ugh, can't I sleep in, its Saturday remember?" Jake said sleepily.

"Nope, we need to make breakfast and father are going some place, so get up!" Kate said as she pulled the covers off him.

"Wait, father is up and about on Saturday? He is never doing anything on Saturday" Jake said as he got up.

Once Jake was dressed, Kate and Jake walked outside to see their father putting all his belongings in the back of the truck.

Kate then asked," Mr. Johnson what are you doing?"

Her stepfather turned around and looked at her and said:" I've lost my job, I have no more money so we are heading to my brother's house."

Tom then pointed to the house and said:" get your things, kids, we are leaving!"Kate and jake walked back in the house and to their bedroom.

"Kate, what is going on and where are we going?" Jake asked as he gave his things to kate so she can pack them in his backpack.

Kate sighed, " your father lost his job, and it means we're moving away," kate said as she stuffed jake's last pair of clothes in his backpack and zipped it up and handed it to Jake.

Then she walked to her bed and grabbed her backpack and stuffed; two pairs of blankets, some clothes, a flashlight, Captain's leash, some dog food, some snacks and water bottles on it.

" Kate, why are you packing all that? It almost looks like your running away" Jake said as he watched his sister pack her backpack.

"Because we are, I'm not going anywhere with him and special not to his brother's house, his brother has been in jail lots of times and that will be a bad influence for you," kate said as she kneeled down to grab something from under the bed.

"Kate? Is that a gun?" Jake asked as he saw what his sister took out from under the bed.

"Yes, it is. It's mine when mom and I still lived on the ranch mom bought it for me." Kate said as she put her red rider rifle on her bed, and took a box full of bullets and put it in her backpack, then reached back under her bed for her quiver with her bow and arrows in it.

Once she put her rifle in its case that went over her shoulder she hooked her quiver to her backpack and flung it over her shoulder.

"Let's go," kate said as she walked out of the house with Jake and Captain right behind her.

"Ok, let's get going get in the car you guys," Tom said as he walked toward the driver's side of the truck.

"Nope, we aren't gonna go with ya, we would be better off by ourselves," Kate said as she stared at her stepfather.

Tom walked back around and yelled," get in the car now!"

Kate stayed calm and said"nope, come on Jake let's go"

Jake looked confused, but he knew Kate was very smart and knew what she was doing so he followed after her.

"Kathrine Royal Joy Johnson! Get over here now!" Tom yelled.

Kate stopped and turned around and said" my last name is O'RAILLY NOT JOHNSON! And I don't want ya to ever say my name with your last name!"

She then turned back around walking away, tuning out his yelling.

"Come on Jake let's go before he gets worse," kate said as they walked on.

"Kate, I'm tired can we stop here tonight, we have been walking for hours" Jake pleaded.

Kate sighed and looked up through the trees at the sun setting, and said " alright, we will stop her tonight, you get some sticks for a campfire while I hunt for supper"

Jake was tired, but he knew they needed firewood so they were warm at night so he headed off.

Kate set her backpack next to her brothers, and took her quiver off it and threw it over her shoulder, with her rifle, then she headed off quietly.

Kate then heard twigs snapping, it couldn't be anything big, so she grabbed her bow and an arrow out of her quiver and got ready to shoot.

She held her breathe and once she spotted that gray fuzzy rabbit she let go of the string and the arrow went flying.

Kate put her bow back in her quiver and walked up to the rabbit, she examined it, it looked healthy, and her arrow was in its eye.

She always got a bull's eye since Akencheta one of her mother's ranch hands who was a native American, taught her how to; shoot a gun, shoot her bow and arrows, and lots of other stuff she would need to know how to, cook, what wild foods are edible, how to make herbal medicines.

Kate, grabbed the arrow out of the rabbit's eye and took a rag out of her pocket and whipped off the blood, then she put it back in her quiver.

She then grabbed the rabbit by the ears and walked back to their campsite. She looked around and saw her brother was back with a pile of sticks and twigs.

She smiled as she looked at her brother sleeping, then she sat down and skinned the rabbit and all. Once she was done she stacked up some sticks and twigs and started a fire, after that she put the rabbit meat on a stick and put it over the fire to cook.

She then rolled up the rabbit skin with the fur on the inside and took a string and tied it up and put it in her backpack to dry.

Later on, she woke up jake after she was done checking the food. She cut the meat in half and gave one to Jake.

Then she bowed her head and said" let's pray; thank you God for keeping us safe as we journey on, thank you for this food we are about to eat bless it to our bodies in Jesus name amen"

Kate smiled at Jake and remembered all the good times her and her mom had when they lived on the ranch, they would all go out and have a campfire on Saturday night and everyone would share what God blessed them with or a Bible verse or hymn song that was on there mind, Westly the top Ranch hand would take out his bible and read while everyone sat around and listened.

After they got done eating, Kate took out her worn-out old Bible out of her backpack and flipped through the pages and started to read out loud.

"Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust - Psalms 16:1" she then flipped through her Bible looking for highlighted verses.

Then she stopped and read "I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from my enemies - Psalms 18:3"

Once again, she flipped through her Bible.and stopped and read "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose - Romans 8:28"

She then sighed and shut her Bible and placed it back in her backpack and said" time for bed"

She grabbed out the blankets and placed one folded blanket under Jake's head as a pillow and another she unfolded and tucked it around Jake and She kissed his head and said" good night Jake"

Then she put her blanket pillow down and threw her other blanket over herself and laid down with her rifle next to her just in case if an unwanted visitor came, she then looked up at the beautiful stars in the sky and she gave her silent prayers before closing her eyes to sleep.

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