Return to hogwarts

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On  September first on nearly 11am three people ran through the Kings cross station , they're hands filled with bags

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On  September first on nearly 11am three people ran through the Kings cross station , they're hands filled with bags

They quickly sent a look to everyone near them to make sure nobody was looking, when they went through the barrier that separated the muggles from seeing the red train on platform nine three quarter

" just write me when you're in you're dorm okay honey ?" The older woman said to her son while kissing him on his cheek

" yeah I will mom" the boy returned her smile and looked at his dad who just said "have fun"  while hugging his son

„ bye mom , bye dad , see you soon„ the boy said while laughing and entering the big red train

„ Prongs there you are „ a voice greeted him as he entered his usual compartment he shared with his three best friends „ what's up haven't talked the whole summer did we ? „ James said to his friends

" mate move I wanna sit „ the boy with glasses said while he got Sirius legs of the bench " chill I'll do it myself" Sirius said while putting his legs back on the floor just to look at James with disbelief in his eyes " I can't believe you just did that to my beautiful legs"

" me neither bro" James aid laughing and looking at his best friend , I misst you all

The ride was normal or what you call normal when you're around the marauders  for one hour till Severus Snape went through the train and stopped with lily evens I front of the compartment of the marauders

" who we have here if this isn't is Snivellus , ugly as ever , but wait no it got more" Sirius said , grinning and expecting James to say something to lily which he didn't , he just said something like " like we could expect snivelus to get beautiful , it would be a miracle wouldn't it ?"

" probably, why don't you fuck off Snape , lily you're very welcome to stay " the black haired young man said to his fellow classmates

" If i could choose between this and marrying grindelwald , I would choose grindelwald , I hope that's enough as an answer but what I wanted to tell you is that I would love to not see you all , except for Remus and peter -

„ that makes me and Sirius , what would you love to not see from us , love ?" James said grinning and leaning forward so his elbows where nearly on his legs , his hand on his jawline which brought lily a bit out of focus as she said „ I would love to see you all not saying anything to me or Severus , understand ? „

James laughed at the look she had on her face „ of course we won't be bothering you two , now go ahead and to whatever the fuck you want and leave us alone , after all you came in here didn't you ?" he said as he closed the door gently right in front of her face

When the slytherin boy and the griffindor girl left , the other three boys looked at him in shook „mate what happend to you , are you sick" they asked which he only shrugged off

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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