Barry dream.

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You: You wake up from a dream of being drowned in honey, and it's not that sort of honey either ;). The dream was about the crush you have died over since 5. The crush you may wonder? Oh he is a sexy orange man.

You: "Oh damn, not again. I need to control my honey once again! I just can not help but think about him. His protection for the trees just over whelm me. Oh my! Here we go again."

You or should I say Barry b Benson begins to pleasure his honey stinger. Buzz buzz buzz. After beating your stinger for a while, honey starts to burst out. "Oh nuts! (Haha get it nuts? Never mind!) all over my new sheets :(!" You was very so upset. But you didn't care, mainly because the almighty lorax was in your mind.

You go into the living room, and switch on your tv! Beenews is on!!!

Early hours of this morning, a man called the Lorax has now done a shoot up! This was due to the fact, some wanker was cutting down his trees. We go to Adam with an interview.

You are staring right at the tv. You can not believe your eyes! Your baby giw lorax is on the tv! You start to get hot flushes, getting hyped over his protective. You fall more in love!

Wagwan what's grawlin. We are here with the main man himself. So lorax why you do it.

The man with the cap, got shot in a snap. Came to my ends, and slashed a nice gap. The tree had fell, so I pulled a trigger. This wigga when bang bang and killed another wigga. Dare come to me, and harm my trees. I shot your ass up in three.

Oh how you loved the way he spoke in rhyme. Even though half the time it had never made sense! The way he looked, the way he spoke. You just wanted to meet him! But you know you could never!

Adam: thanks for that mate. If anyone is actually wondering the Lorax is doing meet and greets. Also starting a YouTube channel. Come down and check it out.

You: you jump at the screen, you let out a scream. You go to your room, yellow black yellow black yellow black, awhhhh! Black and yellow let's mix it up a bit. Fly down stairs and out the house you go!

You get to no homo street and that's when you see him. The all glory him. The almighty him! You begin to have every flash back from your childhood on how you have dreamt of this moment. Just to see this beautiful orange man stand in the flesh. The way you get to see his tash sway away in the wind. OH BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ. 

You snap back into focus, and just knew you had to do something to go speak to him. Ideas started to flow through your honey brain. But I don't think showing your stinger would be the best ideas. Besides he might be more of a buy me a drink first kinda guy. You don't really want to come off too strong right? 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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