The Last Days

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I wake to two dark brown eyes staring at me.

"Hello beautiful" he whispers into my ear before kissing me.

My face starts to get red. I put the covers over my face to hide my red cheeks.

" Stop" I say playfully.

He pulls the covers down from my face, revealing my red cheeks. He comes in for a kiss. He's millimeters from my face, when we interrupted by a cry coming from the one of four bedrooms.

" Your turn" I say pretending to fall asleep

" You'll have to get up right.........." I hear two more cries.

" Now" He smiles

" When will they sleep in" I complain getting up from our bed and walking to my five year olds room.

" Jake....... honey what's wrong" I embrace him while he sobs in my shoulder, trying to catch his breath.

"Scary...................Man............" He manages to say in between the sobs.

" Jake don't cry. Your safe. And anyways you could bet up him, right"? I tell him.

He smiles and punches the air. " Mommy, I'll keep us safe from the scary man" he tells me as he runs out the door smiling. I shortly follow after him after making his bed. I came down to see my one and three year old sitting at the table all in baby chairs and Jake getting into his 'Big boy chair' as he calls it.

" Hey babe" My husband calls from the kitchen. I smell the familiar smell of panacakes. A tear drops from my eye.

" Mommy why you crying" Sam, my three year old asks.

" Ill tell you when your older" I tell him.

I look over to my husband. He's looking at me giving me an sorry look. I smile in return not wanting to make him feel regret. He comes out and hands us our panacakes. We all gobble them up. I get up to clean the dishes and also to clean up my boys. After, I clean everything I walk to the attic to my study. My papers from yesterday are their still blank not knowing what to write. I sit down in my chair and I stare out the window looking for the slightest inspiration. All I see is my husband and my son's outside. Jake and Sam are Tossing a ball, while my year old, Will sits with my husband in his stroller. I look down to see a little belly. She.... She'll be Ann. I look back up to look at the pretty little birds. My eyes feel heavy and slowly they close in till I am fully surrounded by darkness.

I awake. The Dream. I know what a I'll write about. I look for my pen finding it in one of the many draws. I pick up the pen and write two words.

The Dream.

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