Life Story💖

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But before you knocked you needed to tell Alex so you told him about you family.
Gabby," Alex I got to tell you something before I knock".
Alex," What is it baby"?
Gabby," Okay the only reason why we moved to Nevada was because my sister Rosario and my mom got into a big fight. My sister left and said she didn't want anything to do with our family. Weeks went by and everyday my mom would drink."
Alex," What happened after".
Gabby," When my mom would drink he would hit her. One day he almost stabbed her and I got mad and told him that he should kill himself. That night he did and the night morning I woke up and he was gone".
Alex," Baby I'm so sorry".
Gabby," Don't be it's all my fault".
Alex," No it's not".
Gabby, "Yes it is that's why I haven't seen Rosario in 5 years and my dad died and my mom left me".
Alex, "Don't put all this pressure on yourself".
Gabby, "Alex I do t think is should knock".
Alex, "Just knock".
You knock on the door and someone answers.
b??, "Are you Gabriella"?
Gabby, "Yea are you Summer".
Summer, "Yes omg I'm a huge fan of both of you but wait what are you doing at my house".
She hugs you and you start to cry.
Summer," Why are you crying".
Gabby," Summer were sisters".
She hugs you. You, Summer, and Alex drive home.
Carlos," Alex, Gabby we're going on tour".
Gabby, Alex," Are you serious".
Carlos,"Yes and woah who's this fine ass female here".
Gabby," Summer".
Summer and Carlos go to his room and Alex leaves home. You were in your room watching Netflix and someone knocks at you door. It was 1am,
Gabby," It's open".
Carlos," Can you do me a favor".
Gabby,"Yes what is it"?
Carlos," I need to take something to a location".
Gabby,"What are you taking"...........

This was wack asf but the next one is going to be good. Byyyeeeee❤️ Thanks for 4k✨💞

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