The Hopeless

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(What Anobaith sounds like)

We show Beacon Academy a shining beacon against the grimm and other nasties the world could throw at it. But then the sound of crying breaks the natural quiet and tranquility of the place, and the crying is coming from Ruby rose. Why you may ask, it's for her brother. For today marks the 12th year anniversary that he committed suicide. They abused him and neglected him simply because his dad took advantage of summer who was drunk, they were told he was a mistake and needed no love nor attention. Now he is dead, they thought he ran away, but instead he was in the shed with rope on neck and chair to the corner of the shed, skin pale and eyes bloodshot. His face etched into a smile of release.

Weiss: Hey Ruby, Ozpin wants us, hey dolt what's the matter?

Ruby: Today's date.(sobs)

Weiss: Why?

Ruby: Today is the day my brother died.(sniff)

Weiss: Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Still Ozpin needs us, maybe this would take him off your mind for a short while?

Ruby: Ok.


Ozpin: Ok team RWBY, do you know why I called you in here?

Blake: No Sir.

Ozpin: There have been reports of a new type of Grimm being seen on the fringes and colonies. You and team CFVY will go and investigate, understood?

All: Yes sir.


Yang: Alright we're here, now where is this "new Grimm".

Coco: Don't know, but this silence is eerie and creepy as hell.

Yang: Tell me about it. I thought nature like this was meant to have a lot of animals, but there is nothing, no birds chirping, notwigs being broken by any other animal. Just hollow silence.

Weiss: Stop it, they were most likely killed or scared off by the Grimm in the area. But yes the silence is eerie. Blake you see anything?

Blake: Only what looks like another huntsman or huntress, they look injured though. he/she is limping all over the place.

Ruby: Maybe they can help us to. Let's go see.

As they approached what Blake said might be a Hunter/Huntress the more off putting he/she was. he/she made no sound and walked with a limp it seems, as well as the tattered clothes all over their body. As they got closer they noticed something, he/she was wearing a bone mask. Suddenly the teams opinion changed, they thought he might be part of the White Fang and so they sent Velvet first to see if it was, because she was a Faunas he/she was less likely to attack her of he is White Fang.

Velvet: E-excuse me(taps shoulder) are you lost or something?

When it turned around they no longer thought of it as a human. For one the blood red eyes were one indication this might be the new type of Grimm. Another was the pure black skin, no light seemed to emanate from its body. And lastly it gave off no sound, no arua no soul. It started to drizzle in the area.

Ruby: That's odd, rain wasn't scheduled today.

Then the Grimm thing pointed at Ruby/Yang and they finally noticed something the mask it's wearing has no face, no nose, no mouth, no expression save for the eye holes for its eye's. Then around them more started to appear out of nowhere they came surrounding them all pointing at Ruby/Yang. Then it started to pour down the drizzle evolved to a lightning storm, and more came more of these Husks. Then the area surrounding them began to change from a forest and city in the background to a murky swamp with the rain somehow coming down harder than before. The sky's blackened and more of the Husks started to walk to them, forcing them into a area, and it grew darker as they went then the Husks threw them onto the ground of the darkest area in the entire swamp. A feeling of despair and hopelessness appeared in the teams soul and they saw something move in the corner of their eyes, they saw a white bone mask and the eye sockets had a faint glow of embers in it.

???: So the ones who caused the hopelessness of the first to come here has arrived. As I ordered my Husks to do.

Fox: Why did you take us here!?!?

???: Not by choice, I only wished for Ruby and Yang to come. You were the unfortunate that came along with the rabble.

Weiss: Who are you?!?

???: I am Anobaith, the god of Despair, hopelessness, suicide, and crushed dreams.

Yang: Why did you bring us here then!

Anobaith merely looked impassively at her statement, and he drew closer to them and wanting of self harm increased and the feeling of despair as well increased.

Anobaith: You came here because of your brother, remember him?

Ruby: W-what about him?

Anobaith: Merely he was the first to come to me when I separated from Malal and became the god of despair.

Yang: Please, we repented it, we are sorry for what we have done. Please show us what has become of our brother.

Anobaith: Very well.

He started to pull his mask off but when he did Ruby woke up in a bullhead with Yang shaking her

Yang: Ruby! Thank Oum your ok, after we saw the new Grimm it pointed at you then lunged in a effort to attack you and you were passed out for the last half hour.

Ruby: Where are we?

Yang: Bullhead on the way back to Beacon, are you ok? You seem sadder than usual.

Ruby: Had a bad dream.

Yang: About what?

Ruby: Y/n.

Weiss: Who?

Ruby: Our brother.

Later in Goodwitch's class

Goodwitch: We have a transfer student here. His name is Anobaith.

Ruby looked at were she was pointing, and saw a figure in black clothing, a group of tattered rags covering his face only allowing his eyes to be seen. The horns on his head also was quite prevalent.

Anobaith: Hello, fellow hunters/huntress in training, as Ms. Goodwitch said my name is Anobaith. Who would like to challenge me.

Cardin: I do!

As Cardin walked down to the ring mace in hand he laughed when he got to see his opponent up close.

Cardin: Why do you have those rags over your face. Did mommy not love you enough.

Anobaith: You are correct, I nearly committed suicide over it.

What he said silenced the entire room and Anobaith just pulled out a sword that looked like it was made of bone.

Anobaith: Let us fight.

Cardin was ready to oblige him. He charged at Anobaith with mace in hand flailing wildly in all directions in effort to hit him but Anobaith dodged all attempts to hit him and then Anobaith grabbed Cardins hand and started to twist it until a snap was heard and he dropped to the ground screaming in agony. Anobaith didn't react to the screaming and simply raised his blade and struck Cardin over the head with the butt of the blade knocking him to the ground, laying on his side.

Cardin: What are you doing, why does it hurt so much!

Anobaith: My semblance, despair. It attacks all the nerves in the body at once effectively making you unable to move.

Cardin: What are you!

Anobaith: I. Am. Hopelessness. I. Am. Despair. I. Am. Darkness. I. Am. Anobaith.

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