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I love reading some of your comments about last chapter. It's funny and amusing to me. But remember they are BOTH drunk so no hate on them please !! Hahahahaha. Enjoy (:

"Louis, stop running from me," Harry grumbled.

He caught the hotel door before it slammed in his face. Since the award show ran late in the night, Harry and Louis decided to stay at a hotel in the city for the night while Niall watched Silas for them.

The minute Louis scurried off in his limo, Harry quickly flagged down a taxi and had the driver follow the limo like a maniac. Then it was a restless journey from the lobby to their room with Harry chasing Louis down and Louis blatantly ignoring every plea that came out of Harry's mouth.  

"Harry, you fucking cheated-"

"I did not cheat you asshole," Harry quickly fired back, not letting Louis finish his sentence. They were both finally in the same room, facing one another as Louis' cold glare burned straight through Harry's skin.

"Oh excuse me," Louis laughed bitterly, shaking his head in disbelief, "Ditching your husband all night to be with some stranger is completely normal and fine."

"Louis-" Harry tried, but was interrupted again.

"And the fact that you lied to me whenever I asked. I was watching you the whole time. I'm not an idiot," Louis continued, taking a step closer to Harry.

"So what? I fucking went on the dance floor and was dancing. Am I not allowed to do that?" Harry argued back, finding his voice and raising it as his irritation started to take over his own body. He was getting angry himself now, more frustrated than anything. "I didn't know I was tied to a fucking lease with you."

"You could've just told me you went to dance."

"Well I was dancing. There, fucking happy?"

Louis rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. He took another step closer to Harry and hardened his glare. "Yeah, you were dancing with another man."

"You dance with people all the time when you go clubbing, Louis. Why are you acting like this?"

"Because Harry," Louis grumbled, chewing on his bottom lip and crowding himself in Harry's space, eyebrows furrowing and his eyes narrowing in on Harry's face. "Because you know exactly how you felt whenever you would see videos or pictures of me with other men and women."

"And you asked me to trust that you never cheated," Harry reminded with an eye roll.

Louis laughed again, bitterly as he shook his head, "Yeah, and you never trusted me. You thought I cheated on you every time. I straight up told you many times, and in the end you never believed me."

Louis was angry now, fuming in his spot in the middle of the hotel living room. He could feel his forehead lined with stress and sweat slowing falling down his back.

Harry wasn't much different though. The alcohol that was once giving him a high was now fueling his anger. He was irritable and frustrated, wanting to scream every time Louis so much as spoke a word.

"How could you fucking say that?" Harry screamed, hands going to his curls and pulling on his hair, "How could you even compare me and you to this? I did nothing, Louis. I didn't touch him or kiss him or anything. You're taking this way out of hand."

"How about when I want to get drunk and want to party?" Louis continued to gripe, "I got my ass chewed and got the silent treatment from you because I wanted one night to party, and then you do the exact same thing like nothing is wrong. Might I add, you blatantly going out of your way to be with a stranger."

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