Car Ride ●Peter Parker●

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Hello once again, how are you guys doing, I hope you like this chapter, remember that request is much appreciated, and I would gladly write them for you guys, okay, now enjoy the story.

Word count- 1672

↤↤↤↤↤Y/N P.O.V↦↦↦↦↦

I sighed as I look at the passenger seat to see my boyfriend of four years sleeping. I look at the way his curls fall onto his soft and smooth face. The way he sat in the chair slightly slumped down. I smile at him, before quickly throwing my eyes back towards the road. Focusing on keeping the car straight, and looking in the mirrors to see if anyone was behind us.

We have been friends since middle school when I moved here. We got along right away, and I started developing a crush on him, not too big that I would sabotage his love life for my benefit, but I still liked him enough to think about what life would be like if we were together, what we would do and where we would adventure.

I drop one of my hands from the steering wheel and place it on my lap. I am looking at the empty interstate that is in front of me. I'm alone with my thoughts but I'm not alone at the same time, and with that, I smiled to myself.

Peter and I decided to go on a senior trip away from the city away from the people and away from responsibilities. Well its more like I decided to go on a trip and I forced him to go with me. I told him that he needed a break from being Spiderman; he needed a break from coming to me late at night with his face gashed open or bruising his body every night from taking a hit from the 'bad-guys' of the town. He needed time to be Peter Parker: a teenager.

He needed a break from being the beloved superhero and being a full-time high school student. It's hard, and I know that he barely gets sleep from being up early in the morning and staying up till the break of dawn. It hurt me to see him so weak: mentally weak. Forcing himself to be energetic but falling asleep in his classes I would hide him from the teachers gaze as much as I could. I help him with his homework and studying, so he doesn't have to spend too much of his time doing it and so that he has more time to rest and get some actual sleep. Now that I think of it the only time he 'really' gets any sleep is when he is hanging out with me at my house, we take naps in my bed with the TV going on in the background, all the lights off except my brightly colored fairy-lights. I liked nights like those; the nights where we don't need to talk and all we need is to be in each other's presence.

I had called Tony for him, Peter didn't want to go saying that he had a job to do around the city, but I called anyways so Peter couldn't refuse the trip giving the excuse of Tony not letting him go. But Tony agreed with me and let him go with me; he even supplied the trip with money and a car which helped a lot.

I decided that he truly needed to get away, he needed to be away from the fight, he needed to get away from being a hero, so Tony and I found a secluded beach that no-one would be at, there was even a little cottage there that we stayed at. It was small and had two rooms and two baths. Peter and I stayed in the master together. It was a snug room but big enough that it was confirmable; there was a master bathroom connected to it. In it was a bathtub, a shower, and two separate sinks. The cottage was like a dream for me; this is what I wanted to live in when I moved out of my parents' house.

Everything was perfect. The trip and our relationship, it had grown stronger while we were there mostly from spending so much time together, though I didn't even know it could get stronger from how close we were in the first place. How the day went was: we would wake up late and just lay in bed and talk about random thing. Once we finally got up we would cook together; then we would go to the beach and swim coming back to the cottage showering and getting changed into really comfy clothes, and nights we would cuddle up on the couch and watch movies anything and everything. It was the best thing that we could do at that time: be with each other without a worry in the world.

I blinked and jumped a bit as Peter stirred in his sleep, I turned the heat up a few then relaxed moving my hand to the center council letting myself fade back to the memories of the trip.

We were only supposed to be there for four days but four days turned into seven, but neither of us minded it. No-one had called us for an emergency, and we were both ahead in our school work. We were fine and wanted to spend as much time as we could away.

All Peters cuts and bruises had healed for the most part leaving only small scars that would go away in a few months or so. It was nice to see him energetic, but for real not faking it. It reminded me of my old Peter and made me happy. Before we had come on this trip, I felt as if I was juggling so much at once: school, work, home life, Peter, and other mental things that I was dealing with. But as soon as I walked into the small cottage, it all left me at once like an enormous weight had been taken off of my shoulders, and I felt like I could breathe again.

After the seventh day of being away from everything we both reluctantly decided to make our way back home and to the real world, though we promised as soon as we both finished college, we would come back for a week and do the same thing.

I washed our clothes as Peter started to pack, once the clothes were washes as well as our bathing suits I helped back the suitcases and stacked them into the car like we did when coming here. I had to drive since Peter didn't have his license, he had no reason to have it, seeing as he would use his web-shooters, and we made our way back to the place we came from. It was sad to leave, but we knew that we couldn't stay for too long, as much as I hate to admit it, New York needed its superhero.

I blinked and looked at the time on the digital clock, 2:30 A.M I sighed knowing how tired I  was, but there was no use in staying at a hotel seeing as we were currently in the middle of nowhere. I quickly let go of the steering wheel and tie my hair into a messy bun then putting my hands back on the wheel and steading the out between the two lines. I look over at Peter once again and move my hand to his arm. His body was warm, and mine was somewhat cold. His eyes fluttered open, and when he saw me, he smiled widely. I smiled back. It made me happy that when he saw me he was happy.

"Morning sleepyhead," I said in a soft and soothing voice.

"Morning beautiful." He replied his voice hoarse from being asleep for so long. My face quickly got hot, and I blushed.

"I'm sorry for waking you; I didn't think you would notice," I said turning my attention back to the rode and not trying to kill us.

"It's fine; I like talking to you anyways." I notice his hand moving to the sound and turning up the current song. It was some calming song that was peaceful.

He reaches over to my side of the car and grabs my hand bringing it back to the center council holding it tightly.

"Thank you Y/N, for taking me on this trip and for getting away with me; I'm so happy you dragged me with you." He said with a slight chuckle at the end.

"Of course any time. I'm glad I dragged you along as well." I noticed that my eyelids felt droopy, and they started to close, and I blinked a few times trying to keep them open.

"Do you want me to drive, you seem tired." He offered

"Peter you can't drive," I said looking over at my boyfriend slightly giggling,

"Then pull over, I don't want you driving tired." I sighed and knew that he was right,

"Okay fine but only for a little bit and then we are going to keep going." He nodded his head, and you slightly pull over onto the shoulder and stop your car, putting the hazard lights on so no-one would hit you, and you parked your car.

Tony's car had a large back part of it, and you had pillows back there, so Peter and I climbed back there and slept in the back of the car together. He was close to me hugging me softly and running his hands through my hair. I smile and whisper,

"I love you Peter Parker." and 

he whispered back, "I love you Y/n Y/L/N, thank you for the trip, I loved it."

And with that, you fell asleep in your boyfriends' arms.

Sorry, this one is so short, but I hope that you still like it regardless. Once again please leave requests below, and I will go ahead and write them, thank you for reading.


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