Debbie + Alcohol

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A/n: this chapter considers Lou's POV during the previous chapter's incidents, few flashbacks. And then the story continues.

Lou's POV

I'm awake. Thanks to my dream... What was that dream! So random... Confusing... I saw my childhood bits in unconnected pattern, I saw some weird place... Some blackish smoke covered place... Then everything turned abstract... I am seeing only coloured patterns. Black and green combination. Everything is greenish. I'm in some other dimension... I don't see the floor or sky.. I'm floating... It's dark... With green absurdly spread lines. But I'm not scared. I'm content. A white light from nowhere. Its too bright... I closed my eyes... Slowly I tried opening my eyes, my eyes getting adjusted to the brightness. Someone's standing against the light source. A human figure... Slender... I can't see properly .. it's dark... the light isn't falling on that person's face. It almost looked like a silhouette. All because of that fucking white light from the background. I slowly looked up towards that person's face. No luck. Can't see anything except.... Was that horns? The figure bent towards me and was about to touch me... I fidgeted. I swat away it's hand and... woke up.

Strange... We all get meaningless dreams but I am not feeling this as meaningless. May be this is some exaggerated version of upcoming events?

I heard the front door open and close. I checked the time. It's Debbie for sure. She must've returned back from her walk on shores. She's been doing that since her release. May be it calms her.

I smiled a little thinking of her. My best friend. She's the one who keeps me anchored to this world whenever I drift away in my thoughts. Now too thinking of her is making me calm down. She's the one with whom I share my joy and sorrow. Tammy also, but Debbie's closer than Tam. We both somehow clicked. Though we're completely opposite in many ways. There are many other qualities in which we both excel. Like stubbornness, attitude, anger, fighting spirit, Dedication towards each other... Love, Affection, Concern. We are like soulmates.. may be that's what we are.

Throughout our life people mistook us to be couples. Don't know why. We never thought of anything more than friendship. I'm not the one to sleep with my friend. I know the demerit of it. I warned both Debbie and Tammy when they had been fooling around. At first it was just physical relationship. But then I studied Tammy's behaviour. She was falling for Debbie...well had already fallen for her. And Debbie wasn't reciprocating the same. Tammy wanted a life. A future. She thought they'll be the happy couple forever. Though could not be married, for law wasn't so flexible. But thought of a family. Adopting child. Or may be biological also. She tried to make Debbie aware of her feelings but it was of no use. I advised her to move on. It would be better for both of them. But Tammy wasn't ready. She even thought of exclusivity. But no use. There started disagreements between the two. The increased fights. I was stuck between the two. It's better not to take sides. When you're a common friend it's you who suffer the most. Their physical relationship too withered bit by bit. Debbie wasn't worried. I don't blame her. They both had a pact that they keep their relationship just physical, and she's following that sincerely. She didn't feel anything more. I would do the same.

But Tammy was sad. She's also not wrong. Love just happens. You cannot control your heart when you've been drawn towards your first crush with so much intensity. She started getting addicted to alcohol. Somehow I got her out of it. She started focusing more on jobs. She met Tom. Fell in love. Debbie wasn't happy. Not that she was jealous. Debbie's main concern was the job. She thought love makes people weak. Tom's a good guy, a white collar worker. Tammy saw his reactions whenever he read crime and robbery related articles in newspaper. Not gonna work in her favour if she revealed it. But she had to stay away from Debbie. Debbie always made her go weak. So she walked away.

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