by my side // ben hardy

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Warnings: Suggestive themes

It was premiere day, and both you and your boyfriend, Ben were already inside the limo, on the way to Wembley. As you got nearer to the arena, you felt Ben's hand tighten around yours. "You're going to be great, Ben." You smiled, placing your other hand over his.

So, you met Ben through the filming of X-Men: Apocalypse as an assistant to the director. During filming, you two really hit it off, and you both flirted with each other so much that the director would get so annoyed. But, he was supportive of your relationship, so, you two got together eventually.

So, when he told you that he was going to direct another movie, you immediately said yes to his offer of working as his assistant again. So, when he told you it was going to be a biopic of the legendary band, Queen, you were beyond joyful, especially when you found out your boyfriend was going to play Roger Taylor.

"Wait- he said he knew how to play the drums?" You asked, looking at the director with wide eyes. He shrugged before asking, "Yeah, why?" You sighed heavily, "Goddamnit, Ben."

Since he was going to play an actual rock legend, you couldn't imagine how much pressure was on him, and how nervous he is, especially when Brian and Roger were there on set. So, there would be times where you two would just chill at his trailer, having his head on your lap, stroking his soft blond hair, while whispering sweet nothings to his ear, trying to comfort him. But, there would also be other times.

"You did so well, Ben," You said, as you kissed his cheek. He hummed, "Thanks, babe. Couldn't have done it without you." You just finished filming Live Aid, and both of you are in his trailer on the couch, leaning on his torso while his arm was secured around your shoulder. Ben was still in his Roger outfit, and you thought he looked hot. "You know," You ran your fingers across his wig, "You should try growing your hair out, it fits you."

"Oh yeah?" He smirked, looking down at you,"You think I look hot?" His hand, getting near your bottom, "Hmmm, kind of," You joked, running your hand down his firm chest. "Kind of, huh?" He looked at you with darker eyes, before adjusting his position to place endless kisses down your neck.

"It's time." Ben said, as he held your hand, helping you out of the limo, making sure your dress wouldn't get stuck in the car door. As you got out, the flashing lights of the cameras were already blinding you. Ben looked at you with a comforting smile, interlacing your fingers together with his, and walked along the red carpet.

After taking a group photo with the rest of the cast, along with Roger, Brian, and their wives, Ben was called out by an interviewer, gesturing him to come over, staying by his side, he greeted the woman. "Hi there, Ben!" She bubbled, "And this must be your girlfriend!" She smiled at you, shaking your hand, in response, you greeted her back.

"So glad to see you both here! I just have a couple of questions for you Ben, how does it feel, getting to play drummer legend, Roger Taylor in this movie?" She asked, pointing the microphone to him, "Well, I'm not going to lie, it was very nerve-wracking, since they are not only real people, but actual rock legends, and a lot of people are counting on you to play the role well. But, at the same time, it was really fun, getting drumming lessons from Roger and all that,"

Ben then looked at you fondly, "But, I couldn't have done it without this amazing woman that I love by my side."

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