Look Who It is

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Myles P.O.V

I was getting Starbucks with Kalin, when I spotted Ariana Grande with some new outfits maybe for the concert.

Myles: hey Kalin look it's Ariana Grande

Kalin: o yea she always comes her, she a basic white girl like you Myles 😂😂😂.

Myles: Shut up 😂😂😂

(25 mins later ) (concert at 6:30)

Ariana POV:

I got dressed and did my make up: Eyeliner, red lipstick, Maskcara. But I added a little more details I did a smokey eye, and I used foundation for the FIRST TIME, KTS AWESOME. Elizabeth was done and pretty much, we looked hot.

She did the same, but she had pink glossy lipstick on.

(6:30 concerts time)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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