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Ten looked ridiculous in a floppy sunhat, sunglasses, and a big coat with the collar popped up to his chin.

At least I could say my disguise was fashionable: a mao cap, glasses without the lenses, and a grassroots, hippie outfit I would never wear as anything other than a disguise.

Ten sipped his ice coffee - he looked like a cheesy villain on a kid's show. "So. About your hobo lifestyle."

I rolled my eyes. "I have a job, banana-san. It's called professional mooching."

"Yeah, well, if it keeps up, they'll find out I've been smuggling you into places you shouldn't be. That you have merch you shouldn't own. That you're this secret other NCT member."

My brows furrowed. "Hey, why can't you tell the members about me?"

"You're not an idol." He shrugged, as though that was the obvious reason. "We're either friends with the members, other idols, or friends from school."

I shot him a pointed look.

"Male friends from school."

Exhaling sharply, I rested my chin in my palm. "I really don't think it's that big a deal. I mean, yeah, the sneaking around is great - fulfills my teenage rebellion fantasies. But I don't think the members would care if we were friends. I'm sure it'd just answer their questions."

"And give them a million more. Like if we really are just friends."

My sudden laugh caused me to choke on my iced tea. My eyes started to water. "If they think there's anything like that between us, they're totally oblivious."

He sighed, shoving his hands into the pockets of his puffy coat. "Look, all the members have their secrets. Maybe even a friend with benefits. Like, the usual meaning of that phrase. And you're my secret. That's okay, isn't it?"

With just his nose peeking out and the pout on his lips, he looked adorable. How could it not be okay?

"So, hey, you free tomorrow?"

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"So, hey, you free tomorrow?"

"Professional moocher, remember? I'm always free." I grinned, chuckling.

He chuckled too, shaking his head. "Okay, well, the members have free time this weekend. Most of them are going home to visit family and friends. The ones that aren't leaving intend to either check out a party or head to Han River."

I sat straighter, my smiling making my cheeks hurt. "So the dorms'll be empty?"

He nodded once. "Exactly."

"I'm in." I extended my hand to him, and we slapped high-fives, followed by our secret handshake - yet another secret.

And I should've known: one secret was already too many.


a/n: okay, so i know johnny's ff is over but i stumbled across this gif and wow, it's just so good and i love him so much that i couldn't not share it

so here, be blessed

so here, be blessed

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