My Special House

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My house wasn't like any other house, no it was special. Special in ways no one would believe. Special not in a good way.
When I was younger I used to live in a family of five; my older brother Luke, my older sister Malorie, my mum Heather, my dad David and me, Hazel, I was the youngest, my brother always used to play tricks on me. He used to tap on the wall, while I was in bed, and to make strange voices through the wall. Well I used think it was him, but later I saw something that changed my perspective for everything.
My house was in the very middle of crow woods, behind it is a huge lake, in the very centre of the lake there is a small patch of land where mum and dad used to go to read or to have pic nics, that doesn't happen anymore though,Well anyway, I had a very normal childhood up to the age of three when I started to hear things and rarely see things but being three, I guess I just ignored it. Sometimes I would get up in the middle of the night, hearing somebody or maybe something walking around in the corridor, it was mum, she was dancing around in the corridor, I called her, she stopped, looked at me, but not really because her eyes weren't really there. They were two black hollows drawn briefly on her pale white face. I drew back and began to scream, and awoke to it being all a dream. Since then I had never looked at my mum the same way again. My brother, Luke used to talk in his sleep, saying weird things like, "No, mum, please, mum, please!", and I used to confuse me but not anymore. My sister Malorie, she, she has a strange ability at knowing when somebody is lying, which I guess is kinda cool really. My dad, well, we tell him over and over about the things we see and hear but he doesn't believe use, he tells us that we're just imagining things, now I know that wasn't true.
Now a days, life isn't quite the same, mum died about four months ago, because tragic accident, and dad is really depressed. I'm twelve now, Luke is fifteen and Malorie is seventeen, it's been nine years since I started seeing, um...whatever you want to call it. It definitely hasn't settled down either.
Since my mum died dad has seemed to be talking to himself a lot and it's kind if weird really, because you could find him standing in the middle of the room having a conversation with no one. Luke and Malorie just tell me it's dads way of coping with mums passing, and that he'll get better soon, but I'm not to sure he will.
Days go by like seconds now, no one talks anymore, but things are heard, things I can't really explain.
The other night I saw something I won't ever be able to un see. *I went to bed as usual, and I had just fallen in some way asleep, when I was woken by a loud BANG! that came from right behind me then the same in front of me, opposite me is my closet, from the crack of my open closet door I could make out a slight outline of a face then BANG! again then a mouth then two black eyes that glistened in the candle light next to my bed, the mouth had drawn into a huge smile, the teeth spread from ear to ear, I screamed and hid under my dovet, Luke can running wondering what the hell had happened, I told him about it and he believed me that night I slept in his bed. I dreamt about my mother and how I saw her die that night I cried in my sleep, my brother held me tightly, a bit too tightly then I realised he was sleeping on the others idea of me not on the side I felt something holding me. I turned over quickly but no one was there, "who's hand was I holding?" I said to myself, I layer back down a feel asleep once again.*

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