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  I know that I will marry him soon. I have known since birth that we were to be married. I spent my whole childhood learning about him, and how a proper wife makes her husband happy. However, I had never even met him. Not even once.

-Diamond, Age 6-

  "Young mistress, you shouldn't wander in the main hall. It is to close to the main entrance" Says Bethany, my personal maid.

  "Yes but papa is not home yet. I wish to go outside." I said, dragging her sleeve. I was never allowed to leave the mansion without my father. "Your father will be home soon enough, young mistress" she replied bluntly.

  My eldest brother Edward, aged 9, walked into the hall. "Don't be ridiculous, servant" He said, grabbing my hand. "My sister and i will go outside and play. The back garden is a part of our own home, is it not?" He asked, smiling at me.

  I smiled back up at him.

 -Diamond, age 8-

  "Bethany, am I the only child without a mother?" I asked my maid as she brushed my hair. I stared into the mirror in front of my bed, looking at Bethany's reflection.

  "Lady Diamond, you do not need a mother. You have a father and two elder brothers. And you musn't forget about Lord Arthur" She replied, tying my hair into a loose pony tail. "Ah yes" I said. "My fiancee"

-Diamond, age 12-

  "--And make certain that you always please him in any way you can. Lord Arthur is a fine gentleman, and you are a lady."

  "But how do I know he is a gentleman if I have never met him?" I asked, inturrupting Bethany. She coughed, and went on as if I had never sopken a word.

  "What nonsense" Said Edward. "Arthur would be lucky to lay so much as a finger on a lady of the Blackbourne family" He said, grinning at me.

  "Besides... he would have to go through me before having my precious little sister" He said, hugging me playfully. I giggle as he started tickling me. "How unlady like-- and not very good on your part either, Edward"

  However, once I did meet him at age 15... That is where our story begins. My story of love, and the world of the unkown bearing it's fangs at me.

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