Park Jimin

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"Thank you Chim Chim baby", I said as he came back to his room with ice cream.
"And it's my favorite one!"

"Of course it is! I know you and how I am able to cheer you up. Did you guys fight again?", he asked worried, sitting down beside me, pulling his arms around me. I leaned my back against his chest and nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it?", he asked.
I remained quiet for a while before I mumbled: "It was his jealousy thing again. He said I spend too much time with you, and that he wants me to quit seeing you. When I told him I won't, he became angry.."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Jimin didn't say anything, he just waited for me to continue. Tears started running down my cheeks but I didn't bother wiping them away.

"He said it's either him or you... I told him, if he'd truly love me, he wouldn't make me choose between you. So he packed his things because he knew I'd choose you over him, yelling that we're over and left..", I mumbled, my voice cracking.

Jimin just pulled me closer and I couldn't help but start to cry again. I didn't want him to see me like that, but I couldn't control it.

"Everything will be fine, I promise. He doesn't deserve you. He treated you awfully and didn't respect you the way he should have. You deserve someone better. Someone who loves you with all his heart", Jimin said, his fingers softly stroking through my hair.

I grabbed his shirt and held him tightly, afraid that he might leave me too. He tried comforting me and succeeded after nearly 20 minutes of crying.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like that... I don't know what I'd do without you Jiminie", I said.
"You know that I'm always here for you. I always was and I always will be", Jimin said softly.

And he was right. We've known each other basically all our lives. We grew up being neighbors and always ended up playing together, as well as attending the same schools. He knew everything about me, just like I knew everything about him. Nobody was ever able to split us apart. 

"Don't think so much about him. He is not worth it. You deserve to be happy", Jimin said, placing his chin on my head.
"You never liked him, did you?", I asked after a moment of silence.
"Not even a bit", he replied.

"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Isn't it obvious? I wanted you to be happy. And you were happy with him. At least you seemed to be when you guys weren't fighting", Jimin said. His voice was kind of soothing, so I just closed my eyes and didn't move at all.

"You could have told me anyways", I mumbled.
"I told you now", he said and I could hear that he was smiling a bit.

We stayed like this for a little longer, before he laid down, pulling me with him. I cuddled up to him, laying my head on his chest. Everything was quiet so I just listened to his heartbeat.

"Chim Chim?", I asked after a while.
"Hm?", he signalized that I had his attention.
"Why did you never had a girlfriend? I mean, you're total boyfriend material. You got the looks, the personality... But you never had a relationship... Why?"

"I guess because I didn't want to have one", he said.
"But why? Haven't you been in love?", I asked.
"Actually, I am in love. But it's complicated", he said.

"Why?", I asked confused. "Chim Chim, are you secretly gay?"
He laughed and shook his head no.

"It's another kind of complicated", he laughed.
"Tell me! I want to know", I begged him.
"Maybe another time. But not today. Right now it's more important that you get over this jerk of ex-boyfriend", Jimin said.

"But you could distract me by telling me who she is", I said, looking up to him. He remained silent, so I just climbed on top of him. That way my face was directly above his and I could see his beautiful eyes.

They always fascinated me but he knew that too well.

"I'm not going to tell you sweetie", he said, stroking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"I hate you", I said, acting sulky.
"I know", he grinned, closing his eyes for a few seconds, before opening them up again.

I got off of him, sat down beside him and started to eat the ice cream he brought, which was nearly completely melted by now but I didn't care. While eating I could feel his gaze on me, so I turned to look him in the eyes.

"Am I that interesting?", I asked.
"You're absolutely beautiful", he said, his cheeks blushing a bit.
"Shut up Jiminie", I chuckled and continued to eat.

We spent the rest of the day together, watching movies and fooling around. Shortly before midnight, I decided to go home, because I had to work the next day. Jimin insisted on walking me home because he was worried that something might happen, so we went together.

We took the long way home, walking through the park, which was beautiful at night.
"Did you see that?", he suddenly asked and stopped walking.
"No, what?"
"There was a shooting star", he smiled.
"You got a wish now. Go ahead, make one", I said.

He nodded and closed his eyes for a few seconds. After he opened them again he looked at me and smiled happily.
"What did you wish for?", I wanted to know.

"I can't tell you, or else it won't come true", Jimin said.
"Oh, right..", I mumbled.
"But I can show you", he smiled, making me look in his eyes.
I just nodded, not wanting to say anything that could destroy the mood.

Jimin barely moved but still, his face came closer to mine. I stood still and continued looking him in the eyes. He got even closer and closed his eyes before laying his lips gently on mine.

I didn't even feel nervous. It just felt right. So I kissed him back, placing my hands in his neck.

The kiss felt like it lasted forever, but it was a good kind of forever. Deep down I knew all my relationships didn't work out because of Jimin. And now I finally realized why.

I always had feelings for him. My longest and best friend.

When he pulled back we remained silent for a little while, just smiling at each other.

"I wanted to do that for so long", he whispered happily.
I blushed, lowering my gaze to the ground. But Jimin gently pulled my chin up with one finger, making me look at him.

"I love you", he said with a soft voice.
"I love you too, Chim Chim", I smiled.

And that's when I knew, I finally found the one who I wanted to spend my life with. He was right before me, all the time. I was just too blind to realize.

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