The Cheese

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Ratty's tummy rumbled.

"QUIET!" grumbled Dad, lifting the newspaper to his hairy nose. "I'm trying to read here!" Ratty's tummy rumbled again.

"Dad" moaned Ratty, "I haven't eaten in six days! I'm starving!"

"Deal with it!" snapped Dad. He kicked his ugly little rat feet up onto the chair and continued reading.

"Can't I have some food? What about one of the worms, didn't you say that they where too salty? I'll have one of those. Just a nibble, please Dad?" Ratty begged.

"SHUT UP!" yelled Dad, turning to look at Ratty. Ratty dropped his head low. "You're not as important as everyone else, you don't need food!" Dad said more quietly, then shoved his nose back in the paper.
Ratty stamped his foot and ran outside onto the human road where he sobbed. Ratty ran down the drain. Life isn't worth living he thought.
He scurried along in the drain. His tummy rumbled again. Sometimes he hated his parents, such selfish creatures. But then he spotted something. He ran towards it. It was a huge piece of cheese. A block of cheese about as big as Ratty himself. Just sitting there! Ratty had never seen something so big. Ratty leant closer to it and took a big whiff of its enticing aroma. It was slightly furry with mould... Even better!!! It felt as though the cheese was calling to him. He had the sudden urge to devour the cheese with one quick gulp. He licked his wrinkly rat lips. He was just about to pounce on it when he noticed something. Why the choice of platter? Why decide to put such a delicacy on an odd sort of wooden plate, especially with that ugly metal bar. But then, his mother's warnings flashed through his mind. A mousetrap. A human set it. They lure in the unsuspecting rat or mouse. It sees the cheese and without hesitation pounces upon it and then SNAP! The rodent is dead. Ratty's tummy turned. He had never been so close to one before. No way will that happen to me he thought. He backed away from it. Oh, but I'm so hungry. He raised his left arm slowly and carefully. He moved closer to the cheese. His heart was beating fast. Then with one quick and careful movement he plucked the corner of the cheese off and threw it into his mouth. His sharp teeth pierced the cheese and the delicate taste immediately filled his body. Ratty smiled, he carefully pinched a few more pieces without moving the trap, and then scurried off.

Everyday Ratty went to the drain to nibble on the cheese. He thought everything would be fine, until one day, his parents asked him a horrible question.

"Ratty," they squeaked, "Where have you been going everyday?"

"Um..." Ratty stumbled; he didn't want them to know about the cheese.

"And why don't you complain anymore?" Dad interrupted.

Without thinking, Ratty squealed and made a run for it.

"Ratty get back here!" he could hear Mum and Dad yelling at him. Ratty ran as fast as he could, he ran down the drain. Ratty could hear them chasing behind him, squeaking nasty words in his direction.

At last, Ratty was out of breath and couldn't run any longer. He stopped to catch his breath. He was exhausted. Ratty had stopped beside the cheese.

"Mum, Dad, I'm sorry..." whispered Ratty. But they weren't listening; they were mesmerized by the cheese. They were leaning closer to the cheese as though it was a magnet pulling them in closer, closer... Before Ratty could say any more, SNAP!

Hope you liked my short story, feel free to comment and tell me if you liked it.

Thank you!

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