Chapter 3

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Darkness had consumed me. Taken me to the darkest depths of my mind. The place people would never want to venture.

Drip. Drip. Drip. Replaying every second. The sounds I knew so well yet were foreign to me were all around me. Taunting me. Trying to break down the walls that I have so carefully crafted around myself.

This was my "home" ever since the beginning of my memories. A dark, dank, uninviting dungeon.

I spent out my days replaying the same routine.


My life was a replay of the same events. Over and over and over again.


The-the door to this cage creaked opened. A cold eerie chill seeping through the crack in the door. A man, a tall well built, ugly looking man with a sickening smile playing across his fat slimy lips complimenting his twisted personality entered. A loud "thump! Thump!" Bouncing off the walls of the dungeon, coming from his enormous footsteps, seeming louder than they actually was.

He came in and stood in the corner of my cage like an obedient lap dog. Entering after him was the maker of my misery, the alpha.

A plump man with excessive hair loss and a third chin came through the bared door. Harbouring ill-intent in his confident, squinted eyes.

"Hello little Wolfie, hows your day been? Good I hope. We're here to make it even better, aren't we Frank?" Alpha said in a sickening tone, referring to another guy that had entered after him. A small but knowledgeable looking person had entered after the alpha closing the door after the other two invaders.

"Yes boss, whatever you say boss." The lap dog puppy squirmed looking at me in horror.

I knew all too well what this was. How could I not? This was a warning to Frank, no every newbie this is what happens if you defy the alpha. You will end up like me, a skinny unhealthy twig with long, wild, knotted hair from years of neglect. I was an example, my whole existence was to be made an example of. A show of power in the most sickening way possible.

"Now it's time to get to business yeah?" Alpha asked in a demanding tone. Frank just nodded his head not wanting whatever was going to happen to happen to him.

Alpha moved closer, slowly making his presence more and more daunting. After he was close enough after what seemed like forever, he knelt down and grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. Pulling me to my feet causing a surge of pain to shoot down my spine. Calling to the guy obediently standing in the corner to come over.

My vision faded into darkness once again as I felt a warm comforting pressure on my boney hand. Happy to escape this awful memory I welcomed the darkness with open arms.

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