Ch 1. Invitation: Part One

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Sloane Stoneshire

The moment her fist came into contact with Chloe Willington's smug face, Sloane heard a satisfying crunch. Chloe's screams didn't stop her from landing other blows to the other girl's head and body.

Feeling firm hands grab Sloane's arms, she shoved her elbow back into their nose. The man groaned falling to the floor. Fast heals could be heard tapping down the hallway.

"Stoneshire! Willington! What the bloody hell is going on?!" Sloane recognized the voice to be Miss Reiner, Sloane stopped jerking her body at once. The dimming rage slowly giving her back her thoughts.

"That fat fucking whale is attacking me!" Chloe screamed at them pointing a finger at Sloane, blood dripping from her swelling face. Her back hunched over in the pain, as Chloe's girlfriends, who were standing on the sides watching, gathered around to coo her.

If it wasn't for the visual evidence, it would've seemed to be a completely false statement. Sloane's hair was barely even out of management from the whole ordeal, and she seemed unaffected by the statement. Miss Reiner sighed, closing her aged eyes.

"Please do not swear, Miss Willington," Reiner told her, she turned to Sloane, "Why did you lash out at Chloe, this time?"

Shame took over Sloane, making ears light up a bright shade of pink. She shifted her gaze to the faded red bricks, unable to look Miss Rainer in the eyes, "She said ..." Sloane did not want to repeat what Chloe had told her. "That my family has a curse ..."

"I'm only stating the truth!" Chloe piped in, putting her hand on her chest. "Everyone knows that the Stoneshires all die from--"

"That will be enough Miss Willington." Miss Rainer interrupted, shaking her head, scowling. She walked over to where Chloe stands, who is still moaning in pain, Miss Rainer rubbed her back reassuringly. "Come now dear, let's get you to the infirmary. Miss Stoneshire, you can wait for me in my office."

Chloe appeared to be satisfied with this outcome, holding her bloody head high. Sloane rolled her eyes, glaring at Chloe's friends who looked back at her with equal malice. Sloane started to head to Miss Rainer's office, rubbing at the cheek Chloe took a swing at.

That's going to bruise. 

*** *** ***

Walking into the room, Sloane sat down on the velvet chair. Staring at the other principles photographs before Miss Rainer, all young and important looking. With their long hair tied up into a loose bun. Faces frowning.

Clicking heals. The door opened. Miss Rainer sighed, and Sloane shuffled uncomfortably on her seat. The Dorm Principal sat down across from Sloane, a stern look on her wrinkled face. "Sloane," Rainer spoke softly, "you know you cannot get into fights while here. Your parents sent you here to help with that problem." 

Tiny traces of guilt twirled inside of Sloane, not the fact that she punched Chloe, but that she got caught punching Chloe--by the Head Mistress of all people. "Sorry, Miss Rainer." Sloane apologized, "I'll try not to get into a fight again."

Miss Rainer's hands folded on her desk. "You said that last time, and yet ... Miss Stoneshire, I was informed that if you get into another physical argument, like the one you just had, you'll be forced to leave Storm Coast School for Girls."

Sloane wasn't particularly surprised, in fact, she was expecting this response. Sloane looked down into her lap. "I see," Sloane said calmly, "It won't happen again."

Miss Rainer still had this look of concern on her face, not convinced by Sloane's lie. "You can go back to your dorm, I'm holding you to your word." Rainer waved her hand dismissively, Sloane stood up slowly. Leaving the room. 

Goosebumps erupting down Sloane's arm from the cold. Rubbing at her arms, she hurried her steps to get to her room. Getting to her door, she went inside quickly, seeing her roommate sitting in the wooden chair, reading.

Samantha Johnson was the only person in the whole school, that didn't make Sloane want to throw people off a bridge. "Hey Sam," Sloane murmured, tossing her body onto her bed. Groaning. "I did it again."

Samantha hummed in response, not really caring. 

"I tried not to, really I did. But everyone just brings out the worse in me." Sloane lifted her head to look at Samantha, "Or maybe, I bring out the worse in everyone?"


"I knew you'd understand." Sloane thumped her head into her stiff pillow.

The humming stopped, Samantha lifted her head from her book, glasses sliding up her nose. "I forgot to tell you that there's a letter for you." She pointed to the maroon letter on the other side of the table. She then went back to her story.

Sloane frowned, wondering how her parents found out so fast. Internally dreading opening it, she sat up, extending her hand out. First, there was a flicker of light green, then the letter instantly flew into Sloane's hand. 

Opening it carefully, Sloane sat that it was not from her Mother or Father, but from a stranger. It read:

Dear Lady Sloane,

You are eligible enough to participate in this year's Hunt.
If you accept, then you will randomly be placed into a group of two other participants.
Where you three will look for The Amber Stone.
The first group that finds it, will win 
One reward of your choice.

Just say, 'start'.

Hope to see you soon! ---Master Maslak Lev

Sloane raised an eyebrow. Not believing it one bit. She raised the letter to Samantha, "Did Chloe's girlfriends put this in our room?"

Samantha shook her head, "I've been here all day, no one went in. I just thought it was your Mother."

Sloane rolled her eyes, knowing it was a prank from Chloe, Sloane clenched the paper in her hands, bursting it into flames. Gray ashes scattering across the room. Samantha sneezed. "Bless you." 

"What was the letter about?" Samantha sniffled.

"I don't know," Sloane answered honestly, "probably a scam."


"I bet a weeks worth of cleaning assignments." And with that, Sloane let her eyelids close, and drifted off into darkness.

*** *** ***

Sorry that it's so short, 

I just want to introduce the characters

before we jump into the story. 


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