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"C'mon let's goo" Annabella tugs at matts arm but he was still packing and not concentrating on what she was saying.


"Babe hurry up!!!" Rin shouts up the stairs of her and Nash's apartment, "it's time to go, we're meeting everyone in 10 minutes

"I'm coming!" Nash replied, "damn."


"Carter you can eat your toast in the car!!" Charlotte demanded at carter in a shouting whisper

"Okay fine but the crumbs are on you!!" Said carter as Charlotte gave him a glare, " joking!! Love you really babe"


*hey guys it's bel, should I leave yet?x *

*yeah we are leaving now- Rin xoxo *

*we are nearly at the airport!! Hurry babes :) ~A*


~Annabella's P.O.V~

Me and Matt were the first to arrive at the airport and we went and sat down in a coffee shop waiting for the rest to come. A few fans spotted me and Matt holding hands and a few of them looked very confused as our relationship hadn't been announced yet and only our friends knew.

Some of the girls were giving me dirty looks but most of them were being nice and polite and asking questions and we took a few selfies and they even asked me to sign some stuff. I really wasn't used to attention from people.

"I think it's time to tell everyone," Matt suggested and he pulled out his phone, "but not just right out her lets just post a selfie together yeah? We will see what twitter thinks"

We took a selfie and Matt uploaded it to twitter with a heart and my twitter and after a few seconds my phone started blowing up.

" are you matts girlfriend 😱😱😱"

"Who are you?!"

"Oh my god you bitch!!! He's mine you ugly slut"

"You and Matt are perfect"

There was mixed feelings coming from his fans

Most of them positive but quote a few negative which made me feel kinda down. Matt saw my looking glumly at my phone and tilted my chin up, "haters gonna hate right? They're obviously not right because you're gorgeous and I love you and that's all that matters"

A/n hey guys! So this is the first chapter!! It's really short but it's just a way to start off the story and i hope you like it and keep reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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