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Chapter 13

Draco felt Prosper burrow deeper into the blankets surrounding Draco and him in the Slytherin's bed on the morning of December 24. Draco smiled and tugged back the covers. The cat hissed at the lack of warmth, stretched, and lazily clambered into Draco's lap, where it curled up into a tiny ball.

"So…" said Draco softly, almost to himself, as he petted Prosper's fur softly, "this is the last day we'll have together like this, huh?"

Prosper was strangely still and silent, and Draco couldn't help but wonder whether the cat was relieved or sad to leave him. But he shouldn't be worrying about others' feelings – lord only knew his were giving him enough trouble!

He was confused. He was upset that the kitten would be a human again soon, but he shouldn't of even been attached to it in the first place. He was wondering if Harry perhaps liked him, even just as a friend. And he was wondering when the hell he had grown so fond of the Gryffindor.

Fond of Gryffindor's Golden Boy. What a shocking revelation.

So shocking, in fact, that he had spent a whole day mulling over it before finally accepting the HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE truth.

He fancied Potter.

He seemed to recall himself moaning and repeatedly banging his head against a nearby wall. He also remembered said wall being stone, and thus being quite hard. As hard as Draco's head was, it was no match for that wall just yet.

Sighing at the thought of the toll of dead brain cells now littered his head, Draco threw aside the blankets and stood, gathering Prosper gently in his arms. He subconsciously cuddled the kitten closer and Prosper began to purr softly as Draco carried him downstairs to lounge by the fire.

Narcissa blinked her turquoise eyes at her sister, who was grinning deviously.

"You think Draco…my son…is in love…with Harry Potter?"

Andromeda nodded.

"…" Narcissa blinked. "Are you sure?"

"Cissa, I said 'I think', not 'I know'. If I knew I wouldn't be asking for your help. I just thought that you would know the way your own son swings, so – "

"I do know! He's bi, if you must know." Narcissa resisted, with great difficulty, the urge to imitate Draco from lunch yesterday and stick out her tongue. Andromeda's grin grew larger and Narcissa began having a fear for her son.

"What are you planning, Andii?"

"Well…apparently neither boy is too sure about it. But I know from Tonks who got it from Remus who got it from Sirius who got it from Harry himself that he's gay. So, if Draco is bi, and they like each other, than we need to get them together!"

Narcissa raised an elegant eyebrow. "…Need?"

Andromeda sighed. "If you have to know, I'm terribly bored and playing matchmaker is a strange hobby of mine. Now leave me and my now un-boredom-ness in peace to plot if you're not going to help."

"Very well," sighed Narcissa, "it is my son you're plotting to do evil to, so I may as well help."

"'Atta girl!" cheered Andromeda, laughing as she and her sister began plotting Operation: Lovebirds.

Remus sighed exasperatedly, but smiled lovingly down at the tiny black puppy nestled in his arms. Sirius' pink tongue hung out, his head cocked to one side, his ears flopping this way and that.

"Don't play innocent with me, Black," chuckled Remus, ruffling the dog's head. "I had a whole entire hamburger on that table when I went to the bathroom and now you're sitting in front of me with sesame seeds in your fur."

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