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🎵she said that she never afraid, just picture everybody naked🎵

Okay I really want to know this girl Shawn mendes talking about in this song ☝

We arrive in Jeon house or like mansion i say ....this look so expensive like heaven, the mansion shine so brightly under the bright sun, it left me awestruck the car park in front of the mansion big door and the butler open the car door for granny and me but what left me shook my entire life is that inside the mansion its more beautiful with big chandeliers and expensive furniture, many more.

"Jihoonieee~ look who is here to meet you comes out " granny shout at once she enter

And their comes one boy skating the skateboard and his hands are full of wire and games consol hanging around his shoulder

Behind him Two beautiful couple i say the woman is beautiful and classy with her husband hand in her waist and the husband is muscular and have charming bunny like smile to us .The Jeon couple

"grann i heard from momm that you would bring someone to play game with me its that her "

Is the kid blind or what

"Jihoonie son he is boy like you and he is older called hyung to him "

"But grann he look like girls with short hair like in my games fighter and he look like my age, i dont mind it though i like beautiful thing "

Okay a bit mental I think ,I mean people say I look like I walk right out of anime but not girls bruh

He slowly walk up to me and pull me to hug and let go of me holding my hands to his

"Hyung would you be my best friend forever and like to play games with me "

Well that escalated quickly , but The kid is cute ,I glance to granny and the Jeon couple they smile with me

"It will be nice to be your best friend and play games with you My name is Kim Taehyung and what is your name"

"My name is Jeon Jihoon ,hyung "he said still not letting go of my hand

"Omoo, i am fangirling such a cute site grandma , your grandson is so cute perfectly fit for our son" the Mrs Jeon said

"Hello My name is Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you Mrs and mr Jeon" i bowed smiling my box smile

"Aaaaa i am dying of cuteness today, honey is he the cutest Boy i ever seen in my life " she pinch my cheek

"Sweetheart leave the poor boy cheek alone please ...its nice to meet you too son" MR Jeon said to me

I bowed again but i was hardly pull by the kid towards the Big stair idk everything is so Giant here

"I want to show my room and my gaming room to you Hyung come~ come" he said to me

"Okay "i laugh loving the site of the exciting boy, I smile

But i look back to see granny and the couple Discussing between them

"Hyung this is room and the whole thing is mine we can play together hyung ,everything here is mine "

Wow!, did the market even have left game or toy because its all in here inside these whole room, it's big, next to game room arcade ,skating places, everything is here

"Wow Jihonnie this is amazing" I said not taking off my eyes everywhere this whole place

"Hyung if you stay with me we will play games everyday, i used to play sometimes alone but sometimes with my school friend but they only break and stole my thing, i dont like them and they are not beautifull like you hyung"

Aishh when this kids needs to stop calling me this

"I am here now Jihonnie lets play"

We start to play some games but all of them Jihoniee teach me i am like awestruck, this kids good in these thing, I laugh whole heartedly

"Hyung look the Nonna in the game look like you especially her eyes but she is quite tall and have boobs she is my fav hyung"

"Jihoonie stop saying that " so straightforward this kid

But knocked at the door intrupted us

"Jihonnie come down, dinner is ready"

"Come hyung lets go,Aww hyung hahaha are you pouting, now you look like my tannie eyebrow "

"I said don't compare with me with anything or else i am leaving and who is tannie another girls " its not fair this kids keep comparing me with girls

"Hahaha you are so cute hyung and no tannie is my dogs exactly look like you with the eyebrow ,he live downstair"


"Whatever kids let go "

"Wait hyung ,i am sorry forgive me "

"Please please "he begs with his puppy eye staring at me

"Okay" i said with smile

" Hyung come on "he interwined our hand and lead us

We arrived in large dinnning table with full off tasty food at the ends i see Jeon couple and granny talking Jihonnie takes my hands leads to table beside Jeon couple they look at us and smile

"Taehyung you don't mind living with us, i heard you stay at the apparment and dont worry for your college we will handle everything for your fees, Jihonnie seems to like you he is very lonely , I and Jihoonie apppa going out of the state ,we would like you to company Jihoon "

"I dont mind it , i like Jihoon too," i smile to them sincerely

"Its only Two months we will be back soon as over and i forgot Jihoonie has brother he visit us sometimes, I will inform to him too "

"Okay its setlled then let eat " Mr Jeon said holding the cutlery

"Tae son we will be leaving in few hours and granny too, tell everything you need to butler their and stay with Jihoon he will always play with electricity and gets hurts "

"I will and Thanks you Mr and mrs Jeon"

We finshed the dinner granny say some word to me i help mrs Jeon pack thing, after finshed we bit farewell at the front door and wave at them, after they left Jihoonie pull me to his room to watch movie we cuddled at his big bed

Not Bad ........yet

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