Sugg Special Suppers

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**Caspar POV**

After the disaster of a Skype call was finally over, Joe was being so sweet. Times like that, I knew he really did love me. We stayed at Zoe's house for supper, and I watched the siblings laugh and poke fun at each other. 

I wish my family was like that. 

I mean, don't get me wrong, my family was cool. My mum and my sister were my favourite people in the world, aside from Joe. 

My dad, on the other hand? Not so much. 

I mean, I love my dad. It's not really possible not to love him, really. But he can be so narrow-minded sometimes. I remember when I came out to him, how his eyes had narrowed to barely slits, the blue darkening to a point where you couldn't separate the pupil from the iris anymore. 

He hadn't said anything, though. Not a single harsh word had come from him. The look of anger and disappointment did it all. I could feel my heart freeze as he just sat and watched me, with that steady, sad gaze. As if I'd let him down by being attracted to men. 

I remembered apologising. I apologised for being me. I apologised to my father for being who I am. 

I got so caught up in my head that I didn't hear Joe talking to me, until he practically yelled in my face. 

"Shit, sorry, Joe." I apologised immediately. There I go again. 

"Sorry for what?" Joe asked, confused. He didn't give me time to respond, though. "Zoe and I were going to put on a game of karaoke. You going to join us, or keep moping at the table?" 

I focused on my surroundings then; Zoe and Joe's plates were both cleared away, as was most of the food. Mine was the only full plate left. 

"Can I bring my food to the couch and watch?" I asked, looking between the Suggs. 

"Sure, Caspy." Zoe chirped. She was always so happy. How did she do it? I picked my plate and cutlery up off the table, and headed to the couch. I curled myself up in the oversized armchair, and watched as Joe set up the game. I loved hearing Joe sing, but he didn't do it often. I wished he would. 

"Who's first?" Joe asked, turning around. 

"Scissors, paper, rock?" Zoe suggested. Joe shrugged and went to stand in front of his sister. 

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot." They chanted. Zoe put up rock, while Joe won with paper. 

"Always with rock, Zo?" Joe teased, ruffling her hair. 

"Shut up! At least now I get to set the standard." Zoe sassed. That girl had been spending far too much time with Tyler Oakley. I chuckled at my own joke, causing Joe to look over at me. I budged up on the seat as much as possible, making space for my impossibly thin fiance to sit with me. 

He got the idea and squashed himself into the chair beside me. I heard him groan when Zoe picked Disney Songs as the category. Zoe laughed evilly, and turned to begin her round. 

After she finished, Joe and I both applauded. Zoe was actually a good singer - must run in the family, I supposed - and it was always nice to hear her. 

She curtsied to us, and passed the microphone over to Joe. He performed Just Can't Wait to Be King from the Lion King, and he did it excellently. I clapped like mad for him when he finished. 

"I'd let you pick the winner, Cas, but it looks like you're just a bit biased." Zoe joked, poking my engagement ring. 

"Ha ha, Zoella." I answered drily. She leaned over to give me a hug. 

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