p r o l o g u e

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why does everyone act?

why does everyone go around and spill words into cups and smiles into fountains. they tell you the condolences of the passed and love for the hurting.

sometimes, i actually believe them.

i actually believe them, when they say everything will be fine.

you'd think after everything. after all the pain and sorrow. i'd accept everything.

but, in between the cracks, i still have hope. hope that since they tell you everything's fine, so damn often.  then maybe, just maybe, they're not lying.

maybe, everything is fine.

but, I can't believe that, yet.

cause, my brain is seeping in toxins. sweeping me off to the edge of insanity.

and I'm standing on that edge, wandering over the thought of stepping back or tipping forward. but, for some reason, I can't be able to do either. it's as if my feet are bound and my body is paralysed - while my heads racing.

some days, I'm thankful. thankful that i still have some chance of stepping back.

maybe, someone will hear my silent cries and tug my backwards. away from the edge.

but, as the days past. as, the clock ticks to an oblivion; i feel more defeated.

my mind won't stay still. no matter how much i plead it to hush. to be still. for one moment. just for one mere moment. it defies harder. it's as if the harder I push, the harder it pulls.

my eyes always trail over that edge, to the water below it. the silent waving water, welcoming and sweet. it urges me to tip over and just finish this.

to let the water seep into my skin and wash away my insanity. to wash away me along with it.

but, deep down. i know it's not water.

it's gasoline.

and I know I am fire.

once we collide,

we only burn.


Copyright © 2019 FadedTragedies 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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