The Reaping

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"Two years ago, the thirteen Districts rose up against the Capitol in an outrageous act of rebellion," said Gunner Fairbain, the escort from the Capitol, on a raised platform in front of the newly erected Justice Building. "The Capitol prevailed, as was expected, but in the process we obliterated District 13 and left the Capitol in ruins. Everyone in the Capitol regrets this outcome. We have worked tirelessly for the past year and have restored the Capitol to its former glory, and because of this ungracious act of rebellion, we have designed a kind of pageant for the remaining districts. We believe that this is the correct course of action, seeing as we, the Capitol, have provided for the Districts as best we could, and created the beautiful, powerful country of Panem.

"For our pageant, we will be selecting a boy and a girl between the ages of 12 and 18 at random from each District, who will be called tributes. We will transport them to the Capitol, where they will be publicized for their own benefit to attract sponsers who will be able to aid them, and we will provide them with minimal training. From there we will place them in an arena with the other 22 tributes, where they will fight to the death."

There was a sharp intake of breath from the majority of the audience, which consisted mainly of all the young men and women of the requested ages from District 3 lined up in rows by age, with their parents lining the wall at the back of the small outdoor arena where this meeting was taking place. Two of the 12-year-old girls in the front of the group grabbed each others hands, having been friends since birth and desperate not to loose each other. A boy of 15 glanced across to where the girls were standing, scanning the crowd for his girlfriend, but couldn't find her. The parents at the back wall clung to each other, the gravity of the situation instantly understood by the sharp minds of District 3.

"The final tribute standing will be delared the victor, and they will live with their families in the Victors Villiage, which will be built in each District as the event is happening. Once there, they will never need to participate in this event again, have all the food and money they need, and be eternally famed. We have given this annual event the name, The Hunger Games, as it is a test of survival and a reminder of what you have done to yourselves." He paused, gazing out over the audience, letting his words sink in. "I will now select the female tribute."

Gunner drifted towards the glass bowl that evidently held the names of all the girls between the ages of 12 and 18 in the District. The entire audience held its breath, watching him closely. The girls in the District all tensed, wondering if it was going to be them who was picked. Gunner's movement matched his appearence of a cat, which was apparently very popular in the Capitol at this time. He plunged his hand into the glass bowl, stirred the slips of paper around in it for a few seconds, either for one final shuffle or dramatic effect it was not clear which, then closed his hand on one of the fate-desciding papers. He pulled it out and walked back to the mircrophone, opening it as he went. His voice rang out over the entire audience with terrifying clarity.

"Theta Ravencleft."

Her back stiffened, alerting everyone around her to where she was. She didn't move for a second, then someone pressed a hand to her back, gave her a sharp shove, and she stumbled forward, her legs numb. She worked her way reluctantly through the crowd, reaching the divide between the boys and girls, and walked up onto the stage, where Gunner pat her on the back. "Good luck child," he whispered to her. She took a place to the left of Gunner, staring out at the audience blankly, her mind racing. Everyone was staring at her, and that she knew, but she couldn't register it. Her entire body felt like it had up and left her, leaving her just a ghost. Was it fear? She wans't sure. But here, right now, she had to stay strong in front of her audience.

A small sob could be heard from the back as Theta's mother began to cry, the woman lacking the self-control her daughter had inherited. The very idea of her daughter being shipped away to a distant city, then prepared to fight for her life was terrifying, but having it actually happen, it was like her worst fear had come true. Her daughters death. She didn't even pause to consider that her daughter had a chance of winning, she wans't a strong enough girl. The 16 year-old girl would always be a baby in her mothers eyes.

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