Piano Man

13 3 6

"Luke, why is there a piano in the middle of the room?"

"I play piano now." He shrugs, the nonchalance is real.

"No, you don't!"

"But I will do,"

Oh my lord, what even is this guy is he ok?

"We don't have enough money to pay rent! What would make you think it was ok to buy a piano!"

"A salesperson screamed at me and I panicked ok!"

Jesus Christ, here we go again . . .

"You hear people screaming all the time, you're a serial killer for God's sake."

"Don't be offensive, I prefer the term assassin, it's more professional..."

Deep breath iiiiiiiin and ouuuuuuuuuuut.

"What are we gonna do?!"

"Um, give it to a hobo! They can sleep on it or something..."

Early grave here I come!

"I'm being serious!"

"Hi serious, I'm Luke."

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