20 Facts Challenge!

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I got nominated by @maroon5sgurrl! P.S- You've depressed me like hell. So I'm not gonna talk to you.

So basically, people start with 'My name is..(blah blah).' I'm not gonna do that, so yeah. Here ya go.

1. I'm a music freak. Band freak to be more precise.

2. Fandoms I belong to- 1D, 5SOS, Little Mix, Union J, Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, Beyonce, Arctic Monkeys.

3. I'm obsessed over Harry Edward Styles and Lucas Robert Hemmings ( If you didn't know that from the start) 

4. I'm around a lot of self-obsessed and racially discriminating freaks. Yay. (Note my sarcasm please)

5. I speak fluent sarcasm. (*Smirk*)

6. I write fanfictions. The first one was pretty shitty. The second one- Don't ask. Okay lemme stop here.

7. I truly, madly and deeply hate certain people. 

8. I'm a really guilty person. If I don't swiitch off the lights before I go to sleep, I feel guilty. lol.

9. I love Mean Girls. Its so Fetch. (See what I did there? )

10. The Hangover series are just wow. Titanic is awesomely amazing!

11. I fantasize about a whole lot of people before I go to sleep. Okay, not many.. Erm.. *cough* Harry *cough*

12. I'm extremely romantic but the only problem is.. I'm a loner. Yay.

13. I've always wanted a perfect life. But I don't, so yeah.

14. I love Problem and Amnesia as of now, but my likes keep changing.

15. I've wasted my tears on a whole lot of people who don't deserve it.

16. My life's a mess.

17. Youtubers are life.

18. My signature styles- 'I know right?' 'Go die in a hole' 'That is so fetch' 'Awesome'

19. I just realised that I used Styles which is my last name.

20. I'm glad I completed these 20..erm..19 facts .yay.

I nominate 





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