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Oh my god

It's my ex boyfriend


Omg I hate him so fucking much
I could just go over there and kill h-

"Cassie you ok" Joey shakes my shoulder
"Yeah I'm fine umm can we go somewhere else"

"But we just got here" Joey says

"Ok fine let's go"
"CASSIE" someone yells my name from behind

Oh no
Zach is walking our way

"Hey long time no see" he says
"Leave me alone" we walk away till he grabs my arm

"Cassie let me t-"
"Let me GO" I try pulling his arm off

"SHE SAID LET HER GO" Joey grabs Zach's arm and pushes him away

"You guys dating?"
"Yeah we are" Joey says stepping in front of me

"Oh really cause last week we fucked"

The fuck he just say??

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I say confused

In literally 0.2 seconds I see Joey on top of Zach punching the shit out of him

"Joey JOEY STOP" me and soph try pulling him off
The guards start running over here and take Joey off of him

"GO FUCK YOURSELF" Joey flicks Zach off
"Come on let's get out of here" I grab joeys arm

We walk to the car and drive back to the house
When we get there Joey walks straight to the room

I run after him
I try opening he door but it was locked

"Joey please let me in" no reply
"Joey do you actually believe him"

I go downstairs and get his bedroom key that was hidden in a bowl on top of the fridge

I go back upstairs and unlock his door
He's laying down on his stomach on his phone

"Hmm" he hums

"Are you mad?"
"No what makes you th-think that"

"Joey I know when your lying" I go up to his bed and sit down

"Joey did you actually believe that asshole?"
"Maybe a little bit" he turns off his phone

"Joey you know I'd never EVER do that to you" I fluff his hair

He gives me a small smile
I smile at him

He leans in and kisses me
I kiss back

We let go and cuddle together
"Joey Im going to take a shower" I get up

"Can I join?" He smirks
"Of course" I giggle

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