1 - Ten Days

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All my life, I've thought I've been a happy person.

I've never seen too many faults in myself and I consider myself pretty attractive. I have a pretty basic guy look. Blonde hair, hazel eyes, tan. I don't see a problem with myself. I even think I dress decently.

I know that so many people struggle with that. My best friend, Tess, really struggles with self-image and probably takes longer making herself look good than maybe any other person I know, even though i find her pretty. I try to help her and boost her confidence as often as I can so maybe she'll see what other people see of her.

Like I said, I really didn't see a problem with everything, until I heard the news. I woke up early one morning and turned on the television and, bam! There it was.

In 10 days' time, there will be a change. More information to come out by the hour.

News on The Change: On day 10, everyone will be put to sleep for three whole days. Be ready.


What? "The Change"? What even is that? Why is it everywhere? I knew what to do. It's what I always did. I turned on my phone. It started ringing. Pick up. Pick up.

"Hello? Why are you calling so early?" 

"Tess? I really need to talk to you."

"What is it Josh? Are you okay?" She perked up from worry, even though she had sounded tired before.

"Yeah, I think? Did you see that thing on the news about that weird change thing?"

"No. Let me look and I'll talk to you about it at school okay?"

". . . Fine. Yeah, see you there." With that I hung up. I really want to know what is going on. I only have ten days to find out too. This is so confusing, I don't get any of it. I decided to get ready for school, so I got my outfit on and did my hair kind of messy and was pretty much ready.

I walked out to my entryway and put my sneakers on, grabbed my backpack, and headed for the door. It was cold waiting for the bus but not freezing so I was fine in a simple hoodie. The bus came after a few minutes and I put in my earbuds and put on my music.

After about 45 minutes, we were at the school and I got off the bus. I was very quick to get to my locker and get what I needed before going to Tess's locker to talk to her about this change thing. When I got there though, she wasn't there. I waited and waited until the bell for first period rung so I frowned and went to class.

Where is she? She should be here. Maybe she just missed the bus. Hopefully. I really had to talk to her. We didn't have any classes together except lunch and eighth period, so I went about my day, not really paying much attention to the teachers.

Finally, when lunch came around, Tess wasn't at our usual table. I didn't know what else to do and I was worried, so I sent her a text.

Me: hey where are you?

Hopefully she would at least respond to my text. If not, I was going to see if she was at her house after school. Lunch came and went, and still nothing from Tess. I started getting very discouraged, so I decided to try and not think about it. It was really hard to ignore the fact that in a few days, something bad could happen to everyone.

Now, I never thought something would ever happen like you see in movies where someone tries to take over the world. But this scenario, that is actually happening, seems pretty similar. I mean, the "society" is changing our minds and world "for the better"? It's bizarre. 

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