Introductions Can Be Hard. (REVISED)

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I awaken to the shrill screeching of my alarm clock at precisely 5:58 in the morning and, in sync with its ear-ringing screeches, I groan. Today is the first day at my new high school... I'm not excited nor am I terrified. I'm just tired. I get out of bed groggily, stretch and get dressed for the day. It wasn't anything spectacular; skinny jeans, sneakers and an unassuming black sweatshirt. I looked at myself in the mirror, grabbed my comb from the dresser, and tried to tame the messy dark mohawk on the top of my head. It didn't work... figures. My hair eats combs for breakfast. I put it back down and slung my backpack over my shoulder before heading down the stairs.

"Breakfast is on the table," I heard my mom say as I passed her.

I take another step towards the door.

"You're not hungry?" She asked. I shook my head. I'm not hungry, I signed. She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

She looked at my hands, unimpressed. "Theodore Russell Dunn, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I will not let you starve..." I sighed. "At least take a piece of toast."

I caved in and took the toast. She immediately perked up. "Thank you," She hummed as I headed out the door, "have a good first day~!"

I stuck the bread in my mouth as I stepped outside. I inhaled the crisp fall air, my feet crunching in the thin layer of leaves underfoot. It was rather chilly but my curiosity blurred the cold sensation. Admittedly, I was nervous; I wasn't sure what to expect from my first day. The campus was pretty enough, sure, but a nice school doesn't make up for a terrible student body. I picked on the sleeve of my sweatshirt and bit the inside of my cheek as I walked through the park. I could see the campus through the fence.

I finally arrived at Sweet Amoris by 6:10; it was a comfortably early time. I took notice of the blonde girl I saw a few days ago. Her hair was done in those magnificent golden curls once again; they caught the pinkish hue of the rising sun. She was beautiful, but I know a bully when I spot one. I could tell by the way the sparse students stood clear of her or cowered in her presence. Best to avoid her, I thought. I came to a stop but not of my own volition; I felt my body bump into a much taller, fleshier one. I met the boy's eyes but only for a second. They were golden, wide and staring into mine. He looked just like the girl I saw. I backed away, signing an 'I'm sorry'. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and I sighed deeply. Nobody knows ASL. After scrambling through my bag, I pull out a whiteboard and Expo marker and write it out for him.

It didn't take him long to understand. He nodded in understanding and smiled warmly at me, and I could feel a jolt of affection shot up my spine straight to my heart.

"It's okay." A laugh, soft and delightfully genuine, emerged from his lips as he held out his hand. "I'm Nathaniel. You must be the new kid." I nod slowly and shake his hand. A thin, fragile grin crossed my face, and I held it as if it'd fall to the ground and shatter.

I like your name. I'm Theodore but you can call me Theo if you want

"Um... alright. Nice to meet you." Nathaniel frowned. "I remember the principal telling me something about your registration form. I don't think you've finished it yet..."

I tilt my head, about half a head of black hair moving with me. 'What do I need to finish' I wrote, 'I checked all of it myself and I thought I had everything'

Nathaniel's features lit up a little. I noted how sweet his smile was; it made his face glow, almost. Very fitting. I'd like to see him smile more, I thought. "You still need your photo I.D," He said, "And after that, your registration should be finished."

I nodded and flashed him a faint wisp of a grin before putting my stuff back in my bag and waving goodbye as I left, breaking into a brisk strut down the hallway. I don't want to use this as an excuse to miss any class time, I have to get everything done as soon as possible...


A familiar voice filled my ears and I let out a sigh of relief; for right there in front of me was my best friend, Ken. A familiar face in this sea of strangers was enough to soothe my nerves. I offered him a kind grin and waved him over as I kept on walking, determined to get my picture taken and make it to class. He chattered on about something I wasn't paying attention to and I nodded along. That's something I liked about Ken; he could start talking and it'd take my mind off of things.

"Hey. Who was that guy you were talking to? Did you catch his name? I had to talk to him earlier to finish my registration, but he was kind of a stick in the mud, haha. I'm glad to see you, anyway. I kinda got lost earlier. It's a good thing I ran into the principal, right Theo? She showed me around and I just so happened to find you! How lucky is that? Theo watch out-"


I stumbled into something solid that smelled of Hot Topic cologne and earth. I pull away and come face-to-face with a chest covered by a shirt for some kind of rock band, and the redhead attached to it had a handsome face contorted into a scowl. I've gotta stop meeting people like this, I thought to myself.

"Watch it."

The stranger's voice came out as a deep, commanding bark that absolutely terrified me. I nodded frantically, but the movement of my head must've been too quick for his tastes because that only seemed to make him angrier. My mind kept on going back to his scent, for some odd reason, and I wanted to smell more of it. Now that I think of it, he had a really firm chest, too... what the hell am I thinking? I'm being creepy! Interrupting my thoughts, his gruff voice spoke once again;

"Are you just going to stand there like some kind of idiot? Go away."

He's right. I don't need to be starting any trouble on my first day... I could feel his stone grey eyes following me and a deep, quiet chuckle rip through the tense air as I scrambled out of the courtyard. My pace didn't slow until I was out of campus and alone with my shorter companion- and until I had no possible way of embarrassing myself in front of my future classmates. Ken rested his hand on my shoulder and smiled reassuringly at me. He didn't need to say anything; through his emerald green eyes I could feel his kindness. He knew his big, dorky smile was contagious... I couldn't help but return it.

He took it off but I could still feel his eyes on me as we made our way down the sidewalk. His crush on me wasn't exactly subtle. I've known about it since approximately the beginning of the year and it never failed to amuse me; the blush of his cheeks, the stutter that occasionally makes his voice waver... it's adorable. I'd tell him I return his feelings, but he's too important to me. Ken has been with me through a lot of things... he's been my closest friend for years. I would hate it if a clumsy relationship were to sour our bond. Just the thought makes my blood run cold and my body stiffen. He started talking the second we were out of the courtyard and on our own again, slowly but surely making our way to the dollar shop to get my photo taken.

By the time we arrived, my ears had grown weary of the one-sided conversation and my brain numb to Kentin's squeaky voice. Luckily his squeaky voice also made me forget about how terrible I felt. I made the process of taking my photo swift because though the old man running the store was nice enough, it was hard to carry out a conversation when you can't talk. Once the picture was taken I was quick to get out the door and make my way back to the school. My fists tightened around my backpack and I let out a shaky sigh. Ken's sharp eyes noticed this and he pulled a plastic cylinder from his bag.

"I have some cookies, did you want some?" He asked, tilting his head.

My mouth watered at the thought of food. I didn't get lunch... but I shook my head no anyway. My stomach groaned in protest and he looked at me pointedly as he opened his cookie bag.

"You know you want some~" He hummed teasingly. I tsked, shook my head, and signed a fine.

He handed me a shortbread cookie and I took it gently and shoved it in my mouth. The buttery, crunchy biscuit tasted delicious on an empty stomach. It remained like that for the rest of the walk; we ate cookies and somewhere along the line our pinkies intertwined and arms swung. The temperature was milder than before. It offered us a brisk breeze that tousled our hair and made the trees rustle overhead. The silence was serene and refreshing.

There was a bit of finality in that sound moment, My day could've ended there as if it were a storybook... but things don't quite work out that way, unfortunately.

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