Chapter 16

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I received a message early in the morning from Messi. I looked at it.

Aye! Neymar we have to meet today at ten.- Messi

I looked at the time. Nine o'clock.

Where?- me

Soccer field in Brasil- Messi

Tchau- me

I got up and and went to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and took a cold shower. I wrapped the towel on my hips and got out looking for my Barcelona shirt and shorts.

Jesabelle sat up on the bed and squinted her eyes at me.

" Where you going?" She asked

" Meeting for Barcelona, wanna come?" I asked

" Yes!" Her eyes suddenly opened up.

She quickly went in the bathroom and did her business. I went into my closet and found the shirt on a hanger. I took it off the hanger and slipped it on. I took my shorts and quickly slipped them on before Jesabelle came out. I put on my shoes that I liked to call Futbol shoes.

I took my time doing my hair in front of the mirror. My hair had to be prefect. Jesabelle walked out and stared at me.

" I always wondered how soccer players had perfect hair when they were gonna play dirty and uh..." She chuckled." Now I know why. They spend an hour in front of the mirror making sure every string of hair is perfect" she laughed

" That's right!" I agreed.

I fixed the last piece of hair that was sticking out and I placed my comb down." There" I joined my hands. " Let's go!"

I grabbed my keys and looked over at Jesabelle. She had a towel wrapped over her body taking her time finding the perfect thing to wear. I leaned on the wall.

" And look who was talking before. I don't understand women. They take hours to find clothes to wear. Just pick out anything and wear it." I explained

" No! Girls have to make sure they look presentable everywhere they go and that they have the perfect thing to wear for weather while looking good." She explained

" Just pick out those shorts you wear that shows the stomach eh.."

" Tank top." She corrected

" Yes those and shorts or something."

" Uh, no. I'm gonna wear this and this!" She finally picked out an outfit. She picked out loose shorts with a tight shirt that said " I love soccer". I laughed

" Are you trying to support me, babe?" I asked

" Kinda." She shyly answered

I went into my closet and picked out one of my Futbol shirts I had. " Then wear this."

" Perfect." She brought it up to look at it. Then, she went to the bathroom to change.

I sat down on my bed and waited for her to come out. Times was wasting. Minutes went by quickly. I looked at my phone. Nine twenty- one.

" Jeasabelle, come out." I shouted.

" I have to do my hair!" She shouted back.

I sighed loudly. I barley had time to drive there now. I opened the bathroom door and grabbed her hand as I pulled her out.

" Hey!" She said.

I went downstairs and locked the door before we hopped in the car. I turned on the ignition and zoomed out of there.

" I look like a mess because of you" she fixed her hair

" There was no time"

" Well then we had to make time"

" just do those cute weird ties you do that's like messy and-" I explained with hand motions

" Messy bun?" She interrupted

" That's what it's called?"

" Yeah."

She brought all her hair together and put it into a huge bun that wasn't so messy after all.

She continued to fix it as she looked at herself in the camera in her phone.

" Girls are wired" I said

" Don't even start! Boys are weirder!" She argued

" Girls find every way possible to look at them selves and let's not even mention how long they take to get ready." I chuckled

" Boys look at them selves in the mirror and fix there hair for hours and let's not even talk about their games." She chuckled

" And how long girls take To shop! The shopping! Some girls go to stores and fit every shirt possible and leaves the store with no purchase. All that for no purchase!" I chuckled

" And boys don't shop for games for hours? Huh! Tell me about it!"

" And then girls already have an outfit picked out, and they STILL take hours to get ready!" I argued

" Oh please." She said

" Please." I sucked my teeth

" Do not suck your teeth at me, Mister!" She chuckled

" Suck your teeth? What? How can you suck your teeth!" I asked

" By doing this!" She made a weird sound that I did before and that's what she called 'sucking your teeth'

" That's not sucking your teeth" I said

" It is."

" It is not." I argued

" Your so complicated." She sighed

" And you are not?" I laughed

" No." She said

I parked my car in the parking lot. We both got out and walked towards the field side by side.

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