Crushing Eden - Part 1

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"What's all this commotion? Why are you all loitering around?" Captain Morton asks.

Soldiers crowd the doors to the mess, ears pressed to the doors. They whisper to each other trying to get a full picture of what's going on inside.

"Sorry ma'am, Captain Axen and Sergeant Kiran are having a uhh...heated discussion in the mess."

"Kiran? Shit. Out of my way!" Captain Morton orders as she starts to make her way through the crowd. The soldiers brace up and move aside as they notice her but it is a slog to move through the rabble.

"I'll kill you!" a voice screams from inside the mess.

Before Captain Morton can reach the doors they swing open. The soldiers at the door step back giving Morton a clear view of an enraged Sergeant Kiran bounding over tables and chairs towards Captain Axen who is standing steadfast in-front of the doorway. Without hesitation the soldiers rush into the room to protect their Captain and restrain Sergeant Kiran.

"Take him to the Hold." Captain Axen orders.

Kiran struggles as he's brought up to his feet.

"Get him moving, and the rest of you, if you could clean up the mess I'd appreciate it."

"Yes sir." The group of soldiers say collectively.

Two soldiers grab onto Kiran tightly and lead him down to the hold with another pair as escorts.

Captain Morton stands idle as Kiran is dragged past her. He looks very unwell, as if he doesn't know who or where he is. It's common knowledge that he doesn't get much sleep. Taking the odd cat-nap while on watch during the day but Captain Morton wonders when the last time anyone properly checked in with him was.

"I want the proceedings wrapped up as soon as possible, I'll be down to see the Warden shortly. One way or another I'm putting an end to this." Captain Axen says, consulting with a junior officer.

Captain Morton strides up to Captain Axen.

"Patris what is going on here? What happened with Kiran?" Captain Morton asks.

"Oh, Hanna, I'm sorry you had to see that, I know you two are close." Patris says snidely. He places his hand on Hanna's shoulder which she quickly brushes away.

"Don't mess around, what happened?" Hanna demands.

"I offered him the instructor position down in the recruit wing. He didn't want it. We had words and then he just up and attacked me as I tried to leave." Patris says very matter-of-factly.

"You what!? You know he was never going to take that position. But...he wouldn't attack anyone over it, it doesn't add up you must have done something to stir him up."

"You can read the report after I brief the boss." Patris taps on his wristwatch. "Which I should really get started on." Without another word Patris turns away from Hanna and marches out of the mess.

Hanna looks around the mess. All looks normal except the clear path of destruction that Kiran had left. Chairs knocked either side of the room, some slightly damaged, some completely broken. The tables bear deep markings left behind by his talons. Whatever Patris said or did to him made him very angry. Something doesn't sit well with Hanna. She hasn't served at Eden for as long as Kiran or Patris but she knows how people work, what makes them tick. Kiran never struck her as a dangerous individual, especially to his comrades in arms.

"Hey, you there!" Hanna says to a pair of soldiers tidying up the mess.

"Ma'am?" One of the soldiers responds.
"You didn't happen to see what happened here did you?"

The pair look at each other, as if speaking to each other without words or gestures.

"No ma'am, we didn't see anything." Says the soldier.

"Loyal until the end." Hanna thinks to herself.

Hanna leaves the mess and heads upstairs to her office. With a heavy heart she feels the need to get involved with this situation. Hopefully she can get a word in with the Commanding Officer before Patris feeds him his venom. On the other hand. If Sergeant Kiran really has snapped then darker days are ahead for Castle Eden. Her office sits on the highest level of the Keep, right next to a large, thick, dark brown wooden door with pictographs of the history of Eden carved into it. At the top of that door is a glistening golden plaque that reads 'Colonel Farriot, Commanding Officer of Castle Eden, Lord Guardian'. Hanna doesn't get a plaque. Her office is simple. A wooden desk stained the same colour as Colonel Harriot's door, A small cupboard, a pair of cabinets, a weapons and armour rack, a lovely wooden chair with velour cushioning which she put together herself and a decent-sized window overlooking the courtyard. Hanna takes a seat at her desk and immediately drops her face into her hands.

"Is this how I'm meant to repay you Kiran?"

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