You and I were born to die

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Dipper p.o.v

"Which cake would you prefer?"

The lady smiled at Bill. It's been 4 hours talking about this wedding bullshit. Bill seemed un-pleased with everything this lady offered him. I can't even count how many times he's insulted her. "Did they send me the stupidest worker or what?" He growls brushing his hair back clearly annoyed.

"I apologise sir. If I did something wrong-"

"Did something wrong?" Bill cuts her off sounding angrier. If that's even possible."For fuck sake. You are the stupidest cunt I've ever meet. And if I were you I'd start looking for a job because I'll make sure your boss let's you go or he'll lose his business." Bill stands straightening out his vest."This was a waste of my time. See your way out." He said walking away with out giving her so much as a glance to show she wasn't worth his time or knowledge.

"I'm sorry about him." I told the woman as she sat up packing her belongings. She glared. "He's a scrub that fello." She  says in a hurt tone shaking her head in disapproval. 

Before I had a chance to apologize once more, she was out the door. This was the 11th wedding planner that Bill has sent crying, swearing, or even pissing them self. And all I can do is "sit there and look pretty" as Bill puts it.

"Pine tree!" I flinch hearing Bills voice.

"I'm coming." I say softly with a sigh. I walk into Bill's study room where he sat at his over size desk drinking out of a small glass with what appears to look like whiskey.

"Have you quit yet?"

I shook my head. Which caused him to sigh in irritation. "I can't  hear your head shake pine tree. Speak when spoken to." He informs me not looking away from his papers.

"Um n-no." I mumble out. "No sir." The same sigh followed once more.

"Speak up."

I frown repeating my self. "No sir. I have not." I said a bit louder not raising my voice to loud. Nodding he set his papers down."I have a other wedding planner but I'll have them cancel it. I'll do it myself." He rolls his eyes. "Don't need idiotic fucks screwing up my wedding. Go call for the car pine tree I'll be down shortly."

"Yes sir." I nodded leaving the room. I have a pretty good feeling this is what life will be like with Bill. Boring and lonely. Always at Bill's side.

Sitting in the car with Bill it was a quiet drive. "Make it quick. I'm a busy man." He told me as the driver stops in front of my work place. I get out of the expensive vehicle. I felt bad for having to leave them like this. They are already struggling to keep this business open. I walk into the run down shop. The bell on the door ringing. "Dip stick!" Stan yells thrilled.  "We missed you it's so dull around here without your attitude. " he laughed. I smiled weakly. "Yeah..." I said in a low tone. "About that. I'm-" Stan frowns. "Your what? Come on spit it out boy." I swallow the lump in my throat. I feel so guilty for leaving him dry like this. He's like a weird uncle to me. "I have to quit. I'm so sorry Stan. " he frown rubbing the back of his neck. "No, it's fine. You've been here awhile it was only a matter of time." I open my mouth to explain but he stopped me. "I'd put up a wanted list a while ago. I've got tons of people wanting to be hired. " he chuckles lightly with a unsure smile on his face. "Stan you don't understand. I don't want to q-" the bell on the door rang.

"What part of make it quick don't you understand?" Bill said. "Lets go. Now." He blew out a puff of smoke. I looked at Bill then back at Stan. "I'm sorry Stan." I mumble walking away. The face Stan gave me broke my heart. Stan was more then a boss to me. He was family. I looked out the window of the model-t as the rain began to pour. Bills rambles faded as I kept myself from crying in front of him.

Bill and me got married. I was his wife and life was the same.

Scrub- A low mean fellow, employed in all sorts of dirty work.

Well it's been a while. I'm sorry I haven't updated in for ever. To be honset I'm pretty busy and I don't enjoy writing like I use to. I hope you like this chapter.

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